These types of fossils are copies of the shapes of ancient organisms.
What are molds and casts?
Give an example of camouflage.
various answers will be correct
Change over time.
What is evolution?
The study of similarities and differences among structures of living species.
What is comparative anatomy?
The naturalist that developed the theory of evolution we use today.
Charles Darwin
These types of fossils are preserved evidence of the activity of an organism.
What are trace fossils?
This is the resemblance of one species to another species.
This occurs when the last individual organism of a species dies.
What is extinction?
These are body parts of organisms that are similar in structure and position differ in function.
What are homologous structures?
Charles Darwin studied tortoises and finches here.
What are the Galapagos Islands?
This type of fossil occurs when the body of an organism is buried under mud, sand, or sediments in a stream or river, and minerals in the water replace the organism’s original material and harden into rock.
What is mineralization?
Give an example of selective breeding.
Various answers...
Bottom layers of rock are ________ than upper layers of rock.
What is older?
various answers
That area was once below sea level.
This type of fossilization occurs when a dead organism is compressed over time and pressure drives off the organism’s liquids and gases.
What is carbonization?
This is the process by which populations of organisms with variations that help them survive in their environments live longer, compete better, and reproduce more than those that do not have the variations.
Extinctions can happen gradually or suddenly. Give an example of each.
Gradual - shifting of tectonic plates
Sudden - meteorite or natural disaster
The more similar two structures are to each other, the more likely it is that the species are ________.
What is related?
An explanation of the natural world that is well supported by evidence.
What is a theory?
This helps determine the order in which species appeared on Earth by looking at the age of a fossil in relation to others around it.
What is relative age dating?
List the three types of adaptations and give an example of each.
Structural - elongated beaks or necks
Behavioral - breeding patterns, nocturnal, etc
Functional - hibernation
These develop into different body parts in each vertebrate, all in the face or neck.
What are pharyngeal pouches?
Various answers
The name of the boat that Darwin traveled on.
What is the HMS Beagle?