What are the 3 categories of our GPS model
Vision and Values; Guiding Principles; Core Practice Skills
What is the purpose of Foster Care?
To provide temporary placement to children who have been removed from their families due to abuse and/or neglect.
Is to get siblings placed safely in a home together if possible
Separated Sibling Staffing
What is the tab that provides documentation for daily work completed during a case's life?
Information documented monthly completed pertaining to case.
What is dictation?
Name 1 vision and value
Respect, Excellence, Community Invested, and Accountability
Is to get the children ages 0-17 out of group care and into foster homes or with relatives(family like setting).
Congregate Care Staffing
What tab is used to keep track of parent-child and sibling visits?
Independent living services for youth 14 and older.
What is NYTD?
Name 1 guiding priniciple
Family-Centered; Trauma-Informed; Individualized and Strengths-Based; Culturally Responsive
What is the role of foster care case managers?
To safely return children to the parent(s)/caregivers from whom they were removed from.
Offer insight on services for children but also a time to address level increases and medication concerns
Clinical Consult Staffing
What tab keeps record of all legal proceedings during the life of a case?
contact with parent(s) or caregivers whom reunification is being sought
What is case planning?
Name 1 Core Practice Skills
Engagement; Teaming; Functional Assessment; Planning; Intervening; Tracking and Adaptions
What is the purpose of monthly contact with foster children and placement providers?
To assess for safety, permanency, and well-being
To come up with a treatment plan for a child who has already be deemed therapeutic
ISCEDC staffing
Which tab provides information specific to the family and their involvement with the agency?
Program Services
Legal proceedings which occur during life of case
What is court?
Who is the creator and coordinator of the GPS Model?
Josie Jones
Who provides oversight for foster care?
Erin Baucom
For us to be working two plan at one time
concurrent staffing
Where would you find CPS services eligible to families and their status?
Funding Eligibility
attempts to make contact with children and/or parent(s)/caregivers
What is concerted efforts?