Safety Organized Practice
Trauma Informed Child Welfare
Youth Justice

The characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music, and arts is known as

What is culture?


A group of people 
(family, friends, community people) committed to keeping a child safe

What is a Safety Network?


Acute, chronic, complex, developmental, institutional, racial, historical, and intergenerational are all subcategories of this

What is Trauma?

A Youth charged with breaking a law and enters child welfare through this door is known as

What is a Youth on Juvenile Probation?


I have a concern that a parent I am working with has lapsed in their recovery but feel unsure about signs and symptoms of opioid use, I could call:

Who is my local substance use specialist or LUND Partner?


This tool helps us make decisions about safety and risk as well as guiding us to open or close cases

What is SDM, or Structured Decision Making Tool?


The three main goals of Safety Organized Practice are

What are good working relationships, critical thinking, and enhanced safety?


This type of trauma is typically chronic and begins in early childhood because of maltreatment or traumatic events within the caregiving system

What is Complex Developmental Trauma?


In 2016, Vermont State Legislature made changes to the JS system to more closely align the system with brain development research that shows that youth are much more amenable to treatment and rehabilitation. What is the name of this initiative?

What is Raise the Age?


A 2yo child on my caseload needs a developmental screening, I could call:

Who is Children's Integrative Services or, CIS?


This is a mental discipline used to continually gather, analyze, and re-examine information to assure your assessments are as current and accurate as possible and that the actions you are taking are consistent with those assessments.

What is critical thinking?


VT Law defines what type of child as "one whose physical health, psychological growth and development, or welfare is harmed, or is at substantial risk of harm, by the acts or omissions of his or her parent or other person responsible for the child’s welfare."

What is an abused or neglected child?


This type of trauma refers to the stressful impact or emotional pain experienced because of witnessing or experiencing racism, discrimination, or structural prejudice

What is Racial Trauma?

This community partner may work with a youth to support supervising the youth’s probation and conditions of the Juvenile Probation Certificate

What is Balanced and Restorative Justice or, BARJ?


This team, as identified in Policy 255, provides training and consultation in the areas of education, support, and referral services to staff supporting their peers.

Who is the HOPE Team?


The CWTP offers this strength-based, solution-focused service to all FSWs who have a skill they would like to hone through structured interactions

What is coaching?


This is a formal agency response assessing child or family needs without confirming maltreatment or risk

What is Differential Response?


This is the feeling of safety, security, and protection from external threats and internal distress as well as the expectation that the world is a safe place and that adults can be trusted to provide protection

What is Psychological Safety?


This evidence-based assessment tool is used to assess level of risk and needs with youth

What is YASI, or, Youth Assessment and Screening Inventory?


A place to start to either engage a child and family in mental health or behavioral health supports or learn more about the MH/BH services in my area

What is a Designated mental health agency?


The federal government through the Children’s Bureau utilizes the______ to hold states accountable and responsible for delivering mandated services. This accountability system was also one of the key provisions to come out of ASFA.

What is the CFSR, or the Child and Family Services Reviews?


A rigorous, balanced assessment aims to balance these two important elements

What are strengths and worries/needs?


We intentionally shift away from asking “What is wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?” by putting on these

What are Trauma Lenses?


Currently a hot topic in youth justice, pertaining to a youth who may have high rates of absenteeism "without good reason".

What is Truancy?


This tool can be used to help me assess my natural and professional support networks as well as support a family in identifying their support networks and identify areas where relationships can be strengthened. 

What is an Eco Map?
