Clinical Skills

Which type of hypersensitivity is associated with anaphylaxis, allergies and asthma and is caused by a production of IgE antibodies leading to the release of vasoactive amines and other mediators from mast cells. 

What is Type I Hypersensitivity


This is the most common benign pulmonary neoplasm and is composed of varying amounts of mesenchymal elements (cartilage, fat, connective tissue, smooth muscle) with entrapped respiratory epithelium

What is a hamartoma


The right lymphatic duct receives lymph from which part of the body?

What is the upper right side of the body.


The term for a patient lying on their back

What is supine


What barrier is the end point of active motion?

What is physiologic barrier


Individuals with what human leukocyte antigen type are more susceptible to developing myasthenia gravis?

What is HLA-B8


This type of tumor is often associated with Homer Wright rosettes (pseudorosettes) with central zone of pink cytoplasmic processes.

What is a neuroblastoma


These vessels carry filtered lymph away from the lymph node.

What are efferent lymphatic vessels


What position is beneficial for a patient when they are hypotensive and has the patient lying flat with the foot of the bed elevated to 15-30 degrees.

What is trendelenburg


This is a plan of diagnosis and treatment that requires exertion of the patient's muscles, on request, from a precisely controlled position, in a specific direction, and against a distinctly executed counterforce.

What is muscle energy


Libman-Sacks endocarditis is a noninfectious form of endocarditis that is specific to patients with what auto-immune disorder?

What is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)


This occurs when there is a failure of the cardiac valve to open completely, leading to obstruction to forward flow, pressure overload of the affected chambers, and eventually heart failure.

What is stenosis


This part of the spleen is composed of splenic cords (cords of Billroth) and sinusoids.  It is involved in filtering blood and recycling iron.

What is the red pulp


This type of precaution requires gloves and gown and is used for conditions that can be contracted through touching or contact such as MRSA and C. difficile

What is contact precautions


Dr. CR Nelson, DO created this law, which states that motion in one plane affects motion in other planes.

What is the third law of spinal mechanics


Which joints of the hand are classically involved in rheumatoid arthritis?

What are the MCP and PIP joints (The DIP joints of the hand are typically spared)


This disease often has autoantibodies against acetylcholine receptors, has muscle weakness which worsens with repetitive stimulation and is treated with acetylcholinesterase inhibitors

What is myasthenia gravis


The epithelium of the larynx, trachea, bronchi, and alveoli derives from?

What is the endoderm


For an adult, they are considered overweight if their BMI is:

What is 25 to <30


This is a spindle-shaped end organ within a tendon that provides information about muscle tension. It becomes relatively stretched during muscular contraction where the overall length of the muscle does not change. When a critical amount of tension occurs, its increased activity provides a reflex relaxation of the muscle as a whole.

What is Golgi Tendon Organ


Which gate of the Voltage-gated sodium channel is open at resting membrane potential?

What is the inactivation gate


This autoimmune disorder is a demyelinating disease causing destruction of oligodendrocytes and formation of white matter lesions

What is multiple sclerosis


What two hormones are produced by pituitary acidophils?

What are the growth hormone and prolactin


This disorder is also known as "lockjaw" and is a neurological disorder that causes intense painful muscle contractions that can affect swallowing and breathing. The vaccine is given as a series of shots during childhood and should be offered as a booster every 10 years.

What is tetanus


This muscle energy technique makes use of the learned cross pattern locomotion reflex engram in the central nervous system.  When the flexor muscle in one extremity is contracted voluntarily, the flexor muscle in the contralateral extremity relaxes, and the extensor contracts.

What is Crossed Extensor Reflex
