Ch. 1&2
Ch. 3&4
Ch. 4&5
Ch. 6&7
Ch. 11&12

A nurse is planning education for a patient who is scheduled for a diagnostic procedure to rule out a cerebral aneurism. Which aspect of nursing does the nurse use as the basis for education?

The science of nursing. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 27). 


Heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity and arthritis are some of the most common types of __________ illnesses. 

Chronic. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 57). 


Which populations are most prone to diabetes mellitus? 

Native American & Alaska Native, Hispanic, and White. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 100).

(Review table 5-1 pg. 100!!!!!)


The parents of a pediatric patient tell the nurse that the patient is taught values through a church based program. What mode of value transmission is this?

Moralizing. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 119).


What is included in the IHI triple framework for a new health system?

Population health, experience of care, per capita cost. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 271). 


This type of knowledge comes from research. 

Scientific knowledge. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 33).

A community health nurse cares for vulnerable populations. What problem will the nurse prioritize for a patient who is homeless? 

Safety. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 74).


A nurse tells a new mother from Africa that she should not carry her infant in a sling because bassinets are safer. The charge nurse suggests the nurse is displaying which behavior?

Cultural imposition. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 114).


The statement of, "abortion is ethically justified in situations that result in the best consequences for the woman, child, and society." is an example of which kind of action-guided ethical theory?

Utilitarian. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 122).


What does ISBARQ stand for?

I- introduction. S- situation. B- background. A- assessment. R- recommendation. Q- questions. 


Name the 4 kinds of quantitative research. 

Descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental, and experimental. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 40).

(Review tables 2-3 and 2-5 on pages 40 & 41)


A nurse is caring for a patient who has been managing their chronic spasticity well for 10 years. The patient has reported increasing spasticity and falls due to muscle spasms. The nurse, patient, and health care provider discuss the patient may be experiencing which phase of illness? 

Exacerbation of disease. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 74).


Nurses in a long term care facility use Maslow's hierarchy of basic human needs to plan care for their patients. What is the expected outcome when using this priority? 

Establish clear priorities of care. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 92).


Which principle of bioethics is being met when the nurse provides comfort to a dying patient or assists with tasks a patient cannot perform independently?

Beneficence. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 123).


When does discharge planning begin?

On admission. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 324). 


Why is EBP considered the "best"?

EBP is collected from sources such as published research, national standards and guidelines, and reviews of targeted literature. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 42).


The nurse refers a patient to attend Alcoholics Anonymous. This is an example of meeting which basic human need on Maslow's hierarchy?

Love and belonging. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 81).


Assuming that all members of a culture, ethnic group, or race act alike is known as__________.

Stereotyping. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 99).


A nurse who fails to initiate proper precautions to prevent a fall is subject to a charge of __________.

Negligence. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 150).


A nurse working in a pediatric clinic provides codes for a patients services to a third party payer who pays all or most of the care. How does the nurse refer to this method of payment?

Individual private insurance. 


After their clinical experience, nursing students are given a reflective assignment to discuss the concepts in nursing theory that influence and determine nursing practice. What part of this theory is the most important when providing care? 

Of the four concepts, (environment, health nursing, and person), the most important is the person. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 50).


The nurse is educating a family with older adults. Which topics would be appropriate to discuss? 

Screening for chronic illnesses, home safety information, retirement information, pharmacology information, depression and death of spouse. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 84). 

(Review table 4-2 on pg 84!)


A nurse tells a patient "tonight's menu selection is pork. I understand many people in your culture do not eat pork; may I order you something else?" When the patient states they no longer observe this dietary practice, the nurse understands that this patient has experienced what transition?

Cultural assimilation. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 113).


____________ is an intentional tort in which one party makes derogatory remarks about another that diminishes the other party's reputation. 

Defamation of character. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 151).


A nurse working in a primary care facility prepares insurance forms in which the provider is given a fixed monetary amount per enrollee in the health plan. What kind of reimbursement is this?

Capitation. (Taylor Et. al., pg. 299). 
