Mostly clear, with a pink or yellow tinge to it
Trust vs. Mistrust
0 to 18 months (feeding/comfort) Is my world safe?
Specimen labeling
Patients name, date of collection, time of collection, initials of person who collected the specimen
Relationships unequal. Parents try to control children with strict rules. This family pattern is least open to outside influence
What is treated with antibitoics?
Bacterial infections
Bright red means actively bleeding
Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
Early Childhood (2-3yrs) toilet training, dressing. Can I do things by myself or do I need help from others?
Non-therapeutic communication techniques
False reassurance, giving advice or personal opinions, false assumptions, approval or disapproval, automatic responses, defensiveness.
Adult male or males of the family assumes the dominant role. The male functions in the work force, the finances, and makes most decisions.
Wound layers seperate, patient says something has "given away"
Dehiscence (place warm, moist sterile dressing over the area)
A mixture of serous and sanguineous. Pale, red, watery
Industry vs. Inferiority
School/activities (6-12) How can I be good?
The adult female or females are in charge of childcare, homemaking, and financial decisions. In some families of this type, an older female relative will watch the children while mother works.
Abdominal Organs protrude through an open incision
Evisceration (medical emergency, wound needs surgical repair)
Exudate/drainage may be brown-green, tissue is infected
Identity vs. Role confusion
Adolescence (12-18) Social relationships/Identity. Who am I? and where am I going?
The adults function as equals. Children are treated with respect and are recognized. This style encourages joint decision making, and supports the uniqueness of each family member. This family pattern favors negotiation, compromise, and growth.
What is treated with antivirals?
Viral infections
Generativity vs. Stagnation
40-65 Work and Parenthood. Will I provide something of real value?
Diseases obtained from birth or shortly after, not caused by genetic factors. Inflammatory diseases like bronchitis, hay fever, manifestations of an allergic reaction. Or infectious diseases aids, pnemonia, TB, measles, syphillis, herpes
Wash hands with soap and water