What is evil spirits/bad vibes/punishment from god?
these are the 4 humours
What is blood, phlegm, yellow bile, black bile
Dark Ages was started by
Fall of the Roman Empire
removing some blood for medical purposes
plants and herbs
all periods. always a good answer
believed in acupuncture and herbal medicine
Who is Ancient China?
promoted healthy diet and lifestyle
Ancient Romans and Greeks
Dark Ages medicine was
Prohibited/prayer only
pricking the skin with lots of little needles
relieves evil spirits
trepanation, acupuncture, prayer, massage, bloodletting
Priests were doctors
Ancient Egypt
plumbing, clean drinking water
What are sanitation systems?
Big illness of the middle ages
Bubonic Plague
obligations for doctors
Hippocratic oath
leeches are for
witch doctor was the dr
Primitive times
The OG dr, Father of medicine
rewrite medical books to spark new interest
preserve corpse from decay
if medicine is not acceptable you can do....
drilling a hole in the head
What is Trepanation?
illness has natural causes
Ancient Greeks
Dark Ages disease was caused by
punishment from god
hole in the head
name 5 treatments we still use
prayer, herbs, massage, trepanation, acupuncture, bloodletting, healthy lifestyle,