Foster and Kin Care
Mental Health
Substance Use
Secondary Traumatic Stress

This is the preferred permanency outcome when a parent's parental rights have been terminated.

What is Adoption?


My foster child came to my home through my pre-existing relationship with the child as his childcare teacher, the resource coordinator said I am what kind of caregiver

What is Fictive Kin?


This term might be used to describe a family wherein the parent experienced trauma, the grandparents experienced trauma, so on and so forth- and this trauma is carried down impacting parenting, mental health, physical health, and more

What is Intergenerational Trauma?


This substance is used for the emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose. 

What is Narcan or, Naloxone?


This is a normal reaction to an abnormal event; think pop quiz or dentist appointment

What is stress?


This is most frequently used when relative caregivers wish to provide a permanent home for a child and maintain their relationships with extended family members without the termination of parental rights.

What is Guardianship?


This is a crucial piece of documentation that must be given to foster parents when a placement is made

What is the Placement Checklist and Medical Authorization form?


This is a resource that might be used to assess behavioral concerns or mental health concerns and requires partnering with a community partner such as a designated mental health agency

What is a Clinical Assessment/Evaluation?


When documenting suspicion of a parent under the influence, what is critical to include? (“As evidenced by...”)

What are Observable Details?


Often referred to as "the cost of caring for others", this term refers to the tiring psychological effect of holding the pain of others

What is Compassion Fatigue?


This option should only be used when reunification, adoption and guardianship have been ruled out.

What is Another Planned Permanent Living Arrangement, otherwise known as APPLA?


Works directly with caregivers and FSWs to help identify placements, also responsible for the recruitment and retention of foster parents

Who is the Resource Coordinator?


This mid-1990s study showed us that children who have experienced early childhood adversity are more likely to experience poor health outcomes later in life than peers who experienced fewer adversities or traumas.

What is the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, or, ACEs?


A vape pen, a bong, a needle with an orange cap, are all examples of

What is Paraphernalia?

A practice that goes beyond the bubble baths and encourages self-reflection and intentional steps to meet your spiritual, psychological, and physical needs

What is Self Care?


Federal law requires reasonable efforts to place who together in the same foster care, adoption, or guardianship placement unless a joint placement would be contrary to the safety or well-being of any of the ______.

What are Siblings?


This may be a challenging subject if a caregiver desires specific information about a birth parent’s progress or substance use treatment, you may have to have a conversation about

What is Privacy/Confidentiality?


A parent may struggle with executive functioning skills such as planning, time management, and attention as well as ability to be present and focused due to

What are- any number of reasons. Including history of trauma, neurodevelopmental disorder, ADHD, anxiety, etc. 


"Person with a substance use disorder", "Person in recovery", or "newborn exposed to substances" are all examples of what kind of language?

What is Person First Language?

This is the damage done to one’s conscience or moral compass when that person perpetrates, witnesses, or fails to prevent acts that transgress one’s own moral beliefs, values, or ethical codes of conduct.

What is Moral Injury?


This term refers to the significant caretakers and siblings that a person grows up with, typically their biological or adoptive family.

What is Family of Origin?


This policy provides guidance around promoting normalcy for youth in foster care

What is Policy 75?


This is a dynamic developmental process which uses both internal and external factors to adapt healthily despite adversity

What is Resilience?


Formerly known as "MAT", now known as "MOUD", this acronym stands for

What is Medication for Opioid Use Disorder?


Originally developed to "unpack" the complicated beliefs and emotions that a child may bring based on their adverse experiences, this tool may help us examine our own thoughts and beliefs that impact us across all areas of our lives

What is the Invisible Suitcase?