Comparing Colonial Regions
Causes and Effects of American Revolution
Development of Republicanism
Development and Interpretations of Federalism
Role of the Federal Government in Domestic & Foreign Affairs

The major economic driving factor for the separate identities of the American colonies forming during the 15th and 16th centuries. 

What is the geography?


This method was how Britain attempted to solve their debt issues after the French and Indian War.

What is raising colonial taxes without consent of the governed?


The connection between the Virginia House of Burgesses and the Mayflower Compact. 

What is both were laws established on the idea of self-government?

These were written to persuade people to support the ratification of the Constitution. 

What are the Federalist Papers?


Due to this concept, the Supreme Court would have the ability to declare the constitutionality of laws. 

What is judicial review?


This colonial region remained most economically and religiously connected to Great Britain. 

What is the Southern Colonies. 


This caused the Boston Tea Party.

What is the tea tax(no taxation without representation)?


According to John Locke and later Thomas Jefferson, this is the purpose of government. 

What is to protect the natural rights of citizens?


This item written in the Constitution allowed Congress to stretch the power of the central government which became known as loose interpretation. 

What is the Necessary and Proper clause(elastic clause)?


This was an unintended consequence of the Embargo Act of 1807.

What is cutting off trade with Britain and France pushed the U.S. closer to war?


This region due to its geography had both large scale farming(wheat, barley, ect.) and large port cities. 

What is the Middle Colonies?


This is the reason that the First Continental Congress originally met. 

What is they met in response to British passing the Intolerable Acts(Coercive Acts) after the Boston Tea Party?


This is the contrast between Shays' Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion. 

What is Shay's Rebellion showed a weakness in the Articles of Confederation while the Whiskey Rebellion showed the strength of the federal government under the U.S. Constitution?


This is the purpose of federalism. 

What is to share power between federal and state governments?


This was Washington's advice on domestic and foreign affairs of the new nation. 

What is we need to stay united at home and neutral overseas?


The system in which the transportation and trade of human labor, raw materials, and finished goods created widespread economic gains.

What is Triangular Trade?


This statement angered colonist but was a preventative measure to avoid conflict in unsettled territory. 

What is the Proclamation of 1763?


This agreement was made to decide Congressional Representation and appease both sides of the debate. 

What is the Great Compromise?


This was in Hamilton's economic plan for the new nation to protect American manufacturing from foreign competition. 

What is a protective tariff?


This decision by state legislatures argued that the Alien and Sedition Acts overstepped federal authority so the states did not have to comply.

What is the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions?


This colonial region was most affected by early calls for the separation of church and state.

What is the New England colonies. 


These are 2 reasons why Benjamin Franklin attempted to join the colonies before the French and Indian War.

What is for the colonies common defense and economic security(in the Albany Plan of Union)?


At least 2 major consequences of the First Great Awakening that impacted the philosophical convictions of colonists.

What is the widespread promotion of ideas like individualism, equality, and the right to challenge authority(any of those 2)?


This is how the differing viewpoints of Hamilton and Jefferson would start the first American Political Parties. 

What is the differing interpretation of the Constitution (Hamilton=loose/Jefferson=strict)?


In this situation power would shift showing that Constitutional debates would continue to shape American politics as the nation grew. 

What is the Election of 1800 or "Revolution of 1800?"
