Lines that are seen and are physically present.
Actual Line
Colors that cannot be made.
Primary Colors
Shapes that are manmade and mathematical (squares, rectangles, etc.).
Geometric Shapes
Diagonal lines that converge towards the vanishing point in one- and two-point perspective drawings.
Orthogonal Lines
A low-tech technique used by artists to reproduce and/or enlarge an image.
Grid Method
Lines that communicate emotion in art.
Expressive Line
Colors made by mixing equal parts primary colors.
Secondary Colors
The area of the artwork that surrounds the subject.
Negative Space
Lines that go from top to bottom or up and down.
Vertical Lines
A type of texture where things feel just as they appear.
Actual Texture
Lines that are created with our eyes, like connect the dots.
Implied Lines
Colors that are next to each other on the color wheel, a color family.
Shapes that occur in nature (flowers, amoebas, etc.).
Organic Shapes
A line where the sky meets the ground.
Horizon Line
Colors that evoke of sense of calm and are associated with water.
Cool Colors
How thick or thin a line is, the weight of a line.
Line Quality
Colors that are across from each other on the color wheel.
Complementary Colors
Area of the artwork that is the subject.
Positive Space
The point on the horizon line where all lines converge.
Vanishing Point
A pure color mixed with black.
Characteristics of line, like vertical, horizontal, diagonal, or curved.
Line Personality
Colors that are made by mixing and equal part primary color with an equal part secondary color.
Tertiary Colors
A style of artwork that breaks down its subject into its simplest forms.
Abstract Art
Lines that go from left to right.
Horizontal Lines
A element of art that refers to the way an object feels to the touch or looks as it may feel if it were touched.