Counselor Wellness
Ethics in Counseling
More Ethics in Counseling
Counseling Tomorrow
Counseling Tomorrow2

The integration of body, mind, and spirit in counseling.

What is a holistic approach to counseling?


Danger to self, danger to others, and abuse.

What are the 3 main legal exceptions to confidentiality that are present in all states?


TEST QUESTION: Promoting client welfare, practicing within the scope of ones competence, doing no harm, protecting client confidentiality and privacy, acting ethically and responsibly, avoiding exploitation of clients, upholding the integrity of the profession.

What are common themes in the ethical codes?


Changes in healthcare, links bw physical and mental health, more demands for evidence-based intervention, technology speeding up society.

What are current GLOBAL and SOCIETAL trends in counseling?


TEST QUESTION: Counseling individuals, Counseling groups, Counseling couples and families.

What are modalities of counseling?


Social wellness emotional wellness physical wellness intellectual wellness spiritual wellness occupational wellness

What are the dimensions of wellness?


To protect clients and consumers of counseling services, to protect the members of the profession, and to limit govt interference in the regulation of the profession.

What are the purposes of ethical standards in counseling?


An approach that calls upon counselors to seek to uphold the absolute highest ethical standards of the profession.

What is aspirational ethics?


A counselor who is integrative, culturally aware and competent,  a lifelong learner, technologically competent, able to read and evaluate research, active in professional organizations, a social justice advocate, ability to work with couples, families, and individuals, and ethically aware.

What are some of the traits of the counselor of tomorrow?

A written document and plan, endorsed by 30+ couneling organizations, to lead the counseling profession to the year 2020
What is The 20/20 Vision

An approach taken by counselors that is based on a positive focus of what is going well in a clients life.

What is a strengths based approach to counseling?


Models that help counselors make decisions that follow the best ethical practice when confronted with difficult and challenging ethical dilemmas. They supplement and do not replace the Code.

What is an ethical decision making model?


When counselors are keenly aware of their own values, understand where those values come from, and recognize how their values might affect the counseling relationship.

What is a values aware approach to counseling?


A rise in process addictions, increased focus on wellness, a focus on neuroplasticity & pharmacology

What are predicted to be future SOCIETAL trends in counseling?


These keep you on the cutting edge, protect you from burnout, and provide support for you through the legislature and networking.

What are the advantages to belonging to a professional group?


The use of mindfulness, flow, learned optimism, and broaden and build.

What are strengths based interventions?


A counselors professional agreement to respect the privacy of clients and refrain from disclosing any information about the client to others except in agreed upon conditions.

What is confidentiality?


The counselor must have a duty to the client, the counselor must have acted in a negligent or improper manner, and there must be a causal relationship bw negligence and the damage claimed by the client.

What are the three elements of malpractice?


Rise of ecotherapy,  death of counseling theories, and rise of virtual reality in counseling & counselor training

What are predicted to be future trends in counseling and counseling education?


Addictions that do not involve a substance but are the result of repetitively engaging in a particular process.

What are process addictions?


Exercise, eat well, reduce emotional arousal, participate in counseling, engage in spiritual practice, and strengthen your relationships.

What are ways to maintain wellness as a counseling student?


TEST QUESTION:This is the definition of what and who can practice counseling and is a legal definition.

What is the scope of practice?


Client capacity to make rational decisions, client comprehension of the information presented, voluntariness or freedom to enter into counseling and not being coerced.

What are the three legal requirements that informed consent is based on?


TEST QUESTION:Errors in deduction, Assumptions of homogeneity, Errors in minimization, Errors in maximization

What are problems and assumptions that can occur when you do not have an understanding of cultural differences?

The low road and the high road
What are two pathways in which the brain is activated