Favorite delivery food by many Americans
Super Saiyans
Dragon Ball Z
Most popular ball game in USA
Using two needles to create a blanket
Hello (Spanish)
California Roll and Shrimp Tempura roll consist this type of food from Japan
This anime characters favorite food is ramen and is a ninja
This ball game have a huge following and do half time show during the last game of the season
American Football
Netflix, Hulu, Disney Plus are past times
Watching movies/series/shows
I like to Eat (Spanish)
Me Gusta La Comer
Favorite type of Beverage
White, Black, and Black and white mix Bears
Bear bears
Messi, Beckham, and Ronaldo plays this ball game and popular all around the world
God of War, War Zone, Roblox, Subnautica are past times done by many
Playing video games
Hello in Mandarin (Chinese)
Ni Hao
Originally a dish from El Salvador. FLatbread stuffed with beans, cheese, or choice of meat
follows the adventures of the eponymous stepbrothers as they spend their summer vacation coming up with ambitious projects
phineas and ferb
Canadians most popular sport
Chik Fil A, Chipotle, and McDonalds
Eating out/ to go fast food
Thank you (Portuguese)
In and Out, Shake Shack, Mcdonalds, Burger King
This anime got popular during pandemic. Tanjiro, Netsuko, Zenitsu, and Inoske are the main characters
Demon Slayer
Running with a stick with a net attach to it. Native Americans introduce this to the colonist.
Gathering together with friends and family
Hanging out
Hello how are you? In French
Bonjour comment allez-vous