1st & 2nd
3rd, 4th & 5th
6th & 7th
8th, 9th, &10th

What is a militia?

A civilian army.


What are the 5 rights enumerated in the 1st Amendment?

Religion, Assembly, Press, Petition, and Speech/Expression


The Third Amendment prohibits the quartering of soldiers in private homes without the owner’s permission, except in times of war. What does quartering mean in this context?

Soldiers living in your home.


What is the difference between a criminal case and a civil case?

Criminal cases have a violation of a criminal law.

Civil cases are generally disputes between individuals.


What is an example of a cruel or unusual punishment?


Deliberately degrading punishment.

Punishment that is too severe for the crime committed.


Name a thousand–year-old document of rights that has influenced the United States Bill of Rights.

The Magna Carta.


For what reason would the people assemble or petition the government?

To propose a new bill/law.

To protest a political issue.

To perform a similar action (to make grievances known).


According to the amendment, search and seizure of a suspect can not take place without a warrant. What is the definition of a warrant?

A written document created by a judge that states there is probable cause to believe that something requires searching.


If a driver of a car rear-ends another car in an accident and the driver of the car that was hit sues for damages, is that a civil or a criminal case? Why?

Civil case. 

Because there has been no crime committed.


What is the purpose of bail?

It allows people to live a normal life while ensuring that they will come back to court.


What is a right listed in the Magna Carta that is also in our Bill of Rights?

Trial by jury.

Protection against excessive fines and punishments.

Safeguarding individual liberty and property.


What is the main reason given in the 2nd Amendment for guaranteeing the right to bear arms?

For Civil Defense.

To have a well regulated Militia.


What is the difference between a Grand Jury and a Jury?

Grand jury: indites a criminal. 

Jury: decides whether someone is innocent or guilty.


What happens if a judge determines that a defendant is not offered a speedy trial?

The trial is canceled.


Is a very large bail justified in some cases, and if so when?

Yes. To prevent the risk of flight.


In what year was the Bill of Rights formally adopted?



Give an example of a state militia that officially exists today.

The National Guard.


A person is judged not guilty in a jury trial for having committed a murder. Later new evidence shows that he did commit the crime. What amendment and what clause in the amendment forbid him from being tried again, even if the new evidence show him to be guilty of the crime?

5th Amendment, Double Jeopardy 

(If guessed correctly, give double the points)


If a driver exceeds the speed limit by 20 mph and is arrested by the police, is that a civil or a criminal case? Why?

Criminal Case.

By exceeding the speed limit you are breaking the law.


The powers not granted to the federal government in the Constitution belong to the states or the people. Name a power of the federal government and a power of the states.

State: Education, drivers license, speed limits, militia, and more.

Federal: Declaring war, coining money, regulating interstate and foreign commerce.


Which future president of the United States introduced the Bill of Rights amendments to the House and Senate?

James Madison


What is an example of the limits on speech of students under the age of 18 in public schools?

Students may not use obscene language or disrupt classes.


The Fifth Amendment protects the rights of those accused of a crime. State two of those rights.

The right to a Grand Jury.

The right to not be charged with the same crime twice.

The right against self incrimination.

The right to not be deprived of life, liberty, or property with out due process of law.

The right to not have private property taken for public use, without just compensation.


The Sixth Amendment protects the rights of a person on trial for a crime. What are three of the enumerated rights in this amendment?

Public and speedy trial.

The right to confront and call witnesses.

The right to an attorney and counsel.

The right to an impartial jury.


The Ninth Amendment states that rights not enumerated in the Constitution, and not prohibited by the States, belong to the people.

Name one such right that belongs to the people.

The right to privacy, marriage, school choice, and several others.
