The five symbols of DKG
Key Pin, Crest Shield, Rose, Candle, and Book
She was the first Alpha Alpha Chapter President
Rita Hinch
The number of founding members
She was the first treasurer of the Society
Ray King
There are seven of these which the society is based upon
This item symbolizes intellectual and spiritual beauty
a rose
She has been the Alpha Alpha chapter president for a total of 10 years
Kathy Saunders
Delta Kappa Gamma originated in what state
She died a year after the Society was founded
Sue King
Local chapters, state, and international organizations
The three levels to DKG
The number of roses on the Crest Shield
She was the first Alpha Alpha Chapter “Woman of Distinction”
Mary Manley
The Society was founded in this city
She was the first Parliamentarian of the Society
Ruby Terrill Lomax
To counter discrimination against women in education and to give recognition for excellence
The two main reasons Delta Kappa Gamma was started
These two colors represent courage and loyalty
Red and gold
The Chapters service project for the last 4 years
Purse Project for Family Promise of Genesee County
She was the founding member of Delta Kappa Gamma
Dr. Annie Webb Blanton
She was the first Recording Secretary of the Society
Lela Lee Williams
These parts of the society would remain a secret to outsiders
The society’s name, symbols, and initiation ritual
These three symbols are present on the initiation table to welcome new members
Rose, candle, book
She is the longest current member of the chapter
Barbra Weatherhead
These three symbols stand for ΔΚΓ
Delta Kappa Gamma
She taught Will Rogers and became friends with him
Lalla M. Odom
The original name of the society
Kappa Delta Gamma