
First step in welcoming the caller.

What is connect and welcome the caller by using their name and acknowledging their car?

Details of question section.

What is I asked appropriate questions to understand the members spoken and unspoken needs?


Details of completion.

What is I ensure all system processing and actions promised were completed?


Two things you could use to thank the member for on to emphasize appreciate.

What is thank them for their time and business?


Neutral resources that should be pre-loaded.

What is Salesforce, Drivetrain, KnowledgeBase, Hagerty website?


Steps of restating need.

What is I listen for the caller’s needs and affirm the request by restating it back to them?


Details of recommend.

What is I act as an advisor to recommend a solution and communicate why it meets the members needs?


Details of recapping the call.

What is I recap what was completed, explain next steps, and confirm all their needs have been taken care of?


Details of soft skills used on calls

What is I used a professional and friendly tone throughout the interaction that was energetic and positive. I was efficient, patient and confident?


Questions for a member that calls in stating they don't want the HDC magazine.

What is

"Are you aware of all HDC benefits?"

 "Do you want to cancel the magazine or entire subscriptions?"

"Have you taken a look at your online account to utilize all your features?"


Steps of a roadmap.

What is explaining what you're going to do on the call?


Reason why a member selling his vehicle meets the need of HDC.

What is explaining the benefit of Marketplace?


Things documented in note section.

 What is capturing Who called, Why they called, What was done?


Details of compliance

What is I verified the caller with 3 pieces of information? (Screen pop counts as one).


An alternative to speaking to computer issues/ Drivetrain slowness.

What is ask an open ended question?


James Smith calls on his 1976 Chevrolet Impala to set up payment plan. Give your opening.

What is "Hi Mr. Smith! I'd be happy to get you  started on a payment plan?"

How to communicate to the member why a BDPY fits their need.

What is To make up missed payment/ back on payment plan schedule?


Recap the call for a member that's being transferred to add a 1941 Chevrolet Bel-Air.

What is:
I'll get you over to one of my colleagues to add that Bel-Air and review the policy changed?


Way to appreciate a member that's just had a claim/ being transferred.

What is:

I'm sorry for your accident ! We will assist in getting that claim filed for you and appreciate you trusting us with the process?


Maximum time to have a member on hold before checking in.

What is two minutes?


A way to acknowledge a member's car when there are 10+ vehicles.

What is: I see you have quite the collection! Which vehicle is your favorite?

Pick a couple vehicles to call out/ ask more questions on.


Questions to ask a member that says they can't afford premium.

Would you be interested in making installment payments instead? We can review some pay plan options?


Recap the call of a member who made up a BDPY, updated card details and had new ID cards emailed.*next installment if $60 due 8/9.

What is "We've updated your last payment, as well as the card on file, and sent your ID cards and payment receipt to your email. You are all set for your next installment of $60 on 8/9.Is there anything else I can help you with?


How to appreciate a transfer to the licensed queue for a policy tune up. *Member has been with us for 25 years and can't afford renewal even with installments.

What is :

I understand times can be difficult , through it all you're still looking for ways to keep Hagerty! We're here to help! I appreciate your time today as well as your loyalty! 25 years! We appreciate you?


James Smith calls on his 1976 Chevrolet Impala to set up payment plan. Give your roadmap.

What is "We can review your options for the multiple plans we provide, set you up on the one that fits best, process DP and send receipt?"