Theme 4.5b
Summarize events in the plot 4.5c
Conflict and Resolution 4.5f
Draw conclusions & inferences 4.5h

What is theme?

The underlying message the author wants you to take away/ lesson the author wants to teach you


What is the most exciting moment/turning point in the story?



What is the problem or struggle called in a story?



What is an inference?

Answers may vary (taking what you know and what is in the text to make a reasonable prediction)


Mrs. Smith was doing a unit on healthy living with her students. All week she taught her students about eating the correct foods like fruits and vegetables. Over the weekend, some of Mrs. Smith's students were at the mall and saw her eating pizza, a milkshake, and candy. Mrs. Smith's student Molly was going to order a salad, but now decided to order junk food too. What is the theme?

A Actions speak louder than words 

B Never eat pizza at the mall 

C Vegetables are good for you

A) Actions speak louder than words


What is plot?

A)the individuals a story is about

B)who is telling the story

C)the main idea the writer wants the reader to understand

D)the events that make up a story

D) the events that make up the story


Jessica was worried about being the new kid at school so she made friends in the neighborhood before school started. 

Which part is the conflict?

Jessica was worried about being the new kid at school


I arrived early for my appointment. The place was busy and smelled of chemicals. I found a place to sit and wait. The lady next to me had a towel around her head. I heard a blow dryer in the distance. It was loud over the music that was playing. Where am I?

Hair salon


Julia wanted to become a doctor for as long as she could remember. In college when her friends were out at the mall or going out with friends, Julia spent all of her time studying. At graduation, Julia graduated with high honors and was offered a job shortly after. What is the theme?

A Studying is important.
B It is important to go to college.
C Hard work pays off.

C. Hard work pays off


What is the beginning of the story where the setting and main characters are introduced called?



What is resolution?

Answers may vary (the way a story concludes/how the conflict was solved)

As I entered the door, I thought this was a great way to end the day. The chalkboard menu had a list of specialties, like sundaes and banana splits. I looked at all the flavors.  Chocolate is my favorite, but peppermint sounded good, too. Where am I?

An ice cream shop


Growing up, Sally was always in the shadow of her older sister Mary. Mary always got better grades, was better at sports, and seemed to even be prettier. Sally spent a lot of time in the family's garden feeling sorry for herself. Then one day Mary needed help on a science project about plants. Due to all of her time in the garden, Sally knew a lot about plants and was able help Mary with the project. Sally was shocked that she was better at something than her sister. What is the theme?

A Accept yourself for who you are.
B Sports are not important
C You can learn a lot from plants.

A) Accept yourself for who you are


The series of events or conflicts that build a story towards a climax is called...

Falling Actions


What is the definition of an "external" conflict?

An issue that occurs outside of the body/an issue between a character and an outside force


I had finally gotten used to being weightless. It became a comfortable feeling. I especially liked floating by the window to see the planet Earth below. Who am I?

An astronaut

Blaine opened up the present and began pouting. He screamed in a high-pitched voice, "This is Captain Thunder! I wanted Captain Lightning!" His mother looked at him with dismay and handed him another present, which he greedily opened. "Why did you get me a red hat? You know I like blue more," Blaine whined as he threw the hat across the room. His mother straightened her expression and squinted at him. Earlier she had hoped to take some pictures of this moment, but by now she had put away her camera. She sighed and handed him one more present in hopes that this year wouldn't be a total bust. Blaine huffed and opened it. "A Game Box 4000� wow. Where's the Game Box 5000 that I asked for?" His mother could bear his ingratitude no longer. The next time that Blaine returned from his father's house, he was shocked to find that all of these toys and gifts, along with many other of his things, had been generously donated to needy children. What is the theme?

Be grateful for what you have


Name the 6 elements of a plot?

Exposition, Conflict, Rising Actions, Climax, Falling Actions, Resolution

Which is an example of an internal conflict?

A) character v. character

B) character v. society

C) character v. self

D) character v. nature

C) character v. self


The water felt so good on such a hot day. I heard the other children laughing and yelling across the way.The concrete was wet from a group of teenagers splashing each other in the corner. The lifeguard watched closely to keep children from running. Where am I?

The pool
