Math Vocabulary
Place Value

Use an efficient strategy to solve 1,320 + 580 = k

What is k = 1,900


Write 7 x 8 = 56 in a multiplication equation.

What is 56 (division sign) 8 = 7 OR 56 (division sign) 7 = 8  


The operation used to find the total of groups with an equal amount in each group

What is multiplication?


The value of the digit 8 in the number 28,306

What is 8,000?


Fix the sentence (4 errors) :

in july, henry likes to swim in his pool 

What is "In July, Henry likes to swim in his pool."


Use an efficient strategy to solve 2,309 - 1,123 = h

What is h= 1,186


Sofia has 12 stickers that she wants to give to 3 friends. If each friend gets the same amount, how many stickers will each friend get?

What is 4 stickers?


The answer to a multiplication equation.

What is the product?


Compare the value of the 7s in 177. 

What is 70 is ten times greater than 7 OR 

7 is ten times less than 70?


Use the word "so" correctly to add onto this sentence.

I spent a lot of time out in the snow, so ____________.

What is ... (anything that shows cause and effect after the sentence)


Jackson needed 7,384 pieces of paper for a school project he was completing. He counted and has 2,725 pieces of paper. How many more pieces of paper does he need to complete the project?

What is 4,659 pieces of paper? 


Liam was building snowmen in the park. He realized that it took him 23 minutes to build 1 snowman. How many minutes would it take Liam to build 7 snowmen?

What is 161 minutes?


An arrangement of objects, pictures, or numbers in rows and columns. 

What is an array?


The amount of tens in the number 237

What is 23 tens?


Fix the run-on sentence :

Jayden went to the store to get a snack he ran back home and completed his homework. 

What is...

Jayden went to the store to get a snack. Then he ran back home and completed is homework.

OR any other ways that work!


The grocery store is taking inventory of the apples & oranges they have at the store. They count 7,678 apples and 3,431 oranges. How many apples and oranges does the grocery store have all together?

What is 11,109 apples and oranges?

Shama has a book with 98 pages. She wants to finish her book in 7 days and read the same amount of pages per day. How many pages will Shama read each day to complete the book in 7 days?

14 days


A number that only has factors of 1 and itself. 

What is a prime number?

How many times greater is 40,000 than 40?

What is 1,000 times greater?


Name the type of sentence,

"Go and do your homework!"

What is a command?


The zoo keepers are counting the amount of food they are feeding each of the animals each month. They feed the elephants 3,032 cups of food per month. The zoo keepers feed the penguins 927 cups of food per month. How many more cups of food do the zoo keepers feed the elephants than they feed the penguins per month?

What is 2,105 cups of food?


A group of 74 people need to take vans to a camping trip. Each van can take 6 people. How many vans will the group need to get everyone to the camping trip?

What is 7 vans?


The answer to a division equation.

What is a quotient?


How many tens are in the number 2,342?

What is 234 tens?

Write out a statement, question, exclamatory, & command sentence using the topic...WINTER BREAK! 

Consider any answer with 3 sentences (1 per sentence type). 
