Measurement & Data
Fractions & Decimals
Number Sense, Multiplication, & Division
What number would go in the blank to make the number sentence true? 3 x 5= ___ +8-2
What is 9
These two lines run side by side, but never intersect.
What are parallel lines
22 cups = ____ pints
What is 11
What is $24.41 rounded to the nearest dollar?
What is $26.00
Write this number in digits: Twenty-two thousand, nine hundred five
What is 22,905
Matt makes cat collars to sell at pet shows. He places 8 brass studs on each collar. Use the expression 8n, where n is the number of cat collars to find the number of brass studs needed to for 14 cat collars.
What is 112 brass studs
This parallelogram has five sides.
What is a pentagon
Chris has a quarter and a nickel. If he picks a coin at random from his pocket, what is the probability that it he will pick a penny?
What is 0 __ 2
Write 3 3/4 as an improper fraction.
What is 15/4
37 divided by 5
What is 7 r 2
7y ______ =x 7 Find the value of y if x equals 3
What is What is y = 3
How many lines of symmetry does a square have?
What are four lines of symmetry
Sam left for work at 9:15 a.m. He returned home at 5:30 p.m. How long was he at work?
What is 8 hours 15 minutes
Rename 15 as a fraction with a denominator of 2.
What is 30/2
237 divided by 7
What is 33 r 6
4x +5 = y Find the value of y if x =6
What is y = 29
Mrs. Dotson wants to build a fence in her backyard. Her backyard is a rectangle. The length of her backyard is 40 ft, and the width of her yard is 20 ft. What is the perimeter of her yard?
What is 120 ft.
2 1/4- 1/10
What is 2 3/20
Juan has 72 pencils he has collected for the past year. For the next three days he buys three pencils a day. After three days how many pencils does he has in all?
What is 81 pencils
A roller coaster can carry at most 18 people in one trip around its tracks. The total number of people who can ride the roller coaster in one day is p *t, where t is the number of trips in one day, and p is the number of people the roller coaster can carry on each trip. One day the roller coaster made 55 trips around the tracks, and every seat was filled for every trip. How many people rode the roller coaster that day?
What is what is 990
Molly is putting new carpet in her rectangular bedroom. The width of her room is 13 ft, and the length is 15 ft. How much carpet will Molly need for her bedroom?
What is 195 sq. ft.
Frank bought lunch at a diner for $5.60. He spent $2.00 to ride the bus to the mall and back, and spent $6.50 while he was at the mall. His friend Bill paid him back $5.00 that he had borrowed last week. If Frank arrived home with $10.50 in his pocket, how much did he have when he left home that morning?
What is $19.60
1 9/10 +4/5
What is 2 7/10
A ticket to see the movie "Bears" cost $5.00 each. Storer took 89 students to see the movie, and six adults. How much did Storer have to pay for its students and teachers to see the movie?
What is $475.00