Verb families are called ____________________.
Noun families are called ___________________.
The Mother of Italy, Rome
Mater Italiae, Roma
1st Declension Endings
a ae
ae arum
ae is
am as
a is
ero erimus
eris eritis
erit erint
Future Perfect Tense
Amici boni mutaverunt.
The good friends have changed. (perfect tense)
The four attributes of a noun are....
(hint: what do they ask for in a noun form drill?)
declension, gender, number, and case
before the war
ante bellum
2nd Declension Masculine Endings
us i
i orum
o is
um os
o is
fui fuimus
fuisti fuistis
fuit fuerunt
perfect tense of sum
Fili clamare amant.
The sons love to shout. (present tense)
What is the subject case?
What is the direct object case?
What is the possessive case?
What is the in/by/with/from case?
What is the indirect object case?
In the Year of Our Lord
Anno Domini (A.D.)
2nd Declension Neuter Endings
um a
i orum
o is
um a
o is
bo bimus
bis bitis
bit bunt
Future Tense
Agricola novus explorare optabat.
The new farmer was wishing to explore. (imperfect tense)
What is the neuter rule....
The Nom. and Acc. case forms are ____________.
The Nom. and Acc. plural case endings are ______.
Eternal Rome
Roma Aeterna
Nouns that name a male or female person have ___________ gender.
natural gender
bam bamus
bas batis
bat bant
Imperfect Tense
Mensae non erunt magnae.
The tables will not be large. (future tense)
What are the singular and plural Nominative case endings for the ....
1st. Declension
2nd. Declension Masculine
2nd. Declension Neuter
the four seasons of the year
quattuor anni tempora
In Latin, an adjective must agree with it's noun in ____________, ____________, and ______________, but not _____________.
gender, number, and case, but not declension.
eram eramus
eras eratis
erat erant
Pluperfect tense and Imperfect tense of Sum 😊
Oppidum saepe pugnaverat.
The town had often fought. (pluperfect tense)