What famous document was officially adopted on the Fourth of July?
The Declaration of Independence. Read the full text of the Declaration of Independence.
The Declaration of Independence is divided into two parts. The first part lists the goals of the nation. What does the second part list?
Complaints against King George. (You may accept “the British king” or “the English king.”)
In what year did the Fourth of July become an unpaid federal holiday?
1870. It didn’t become a paid federal holiday until 1938
Where is the Liberty Bell located?
Philadelphia. The bell rang in the tower of Independence Hall, calling lawmakers to their meetings. It cracked after 90 years of use. The thin crack was widened as part of the repair, so the thick crack you see today is the repair of the bell.
Who made the “midnight ride”?
Paul Revere
In what year was the Declaration of Independence signed?
1776. But it wasn’t signed on July 4, 1776. It was adopted by Congress on July 4, but before it could be signed, it had to be written on parchment, which took more than two weeks. Most delegates signed the Declaration on August 2, several signed later, and two never signed it at all.
In what city was the Declaration of Independence signed?
Philadelphia. Philadelphia
What song was sung by British military officers during the Revolutionary War (and even before) to mock American soldiers?
“Yankee Doodle.” It is now sung patriotically by Americans and is the state song of Connecticut.
When the Liberty Bell rang on July 8, 1776, what was the occasion?
The first reading of the Declaration of Independence. The Liberty Bell, along with other town bells, rang out on July 8. Throngs gathered to the State House yard, where the Declaration of Independence was read aloud by Colonel John Nixon
Who was the oldest signer of the Declaration of Independence?
Benjamin Franklin. There were 56 signers. Franklin was 70 years old. The youngest signer was Edward Rutledge, who was 26.
Did the Revolutionary War start before or after the Declaration of Independence was signed?
Before. Colonists were unhappy because Great Britain forced them to pay taxes but denied them representation in the British Parliament. The slogan for the war was “no taxation without representation.”
Who was the only signer of the Declaration of Independence to sign it on July 4, 1776?
John Hancock. “John Hancock” has become synonymous with “signature,” as in, “Put your John Hancock right here.” The other 55 signed it on August 2, 1776, or later
What is written on the back of the original Declaration of Independence?
“Original Declaration of Independence dated 4th July 1776.” For many years, this priceless document was just rolled up with other documents, in the care of Charles Thomson, secretary of the Continental Congress
. If you happen to be in Washington, D.C., on July 4, at what national landmark can you catch the fireworks celebration?
The Washington Mall. In addition to fireworks, there is a parade along Constitution Avenue, as well as a concert on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol called “A Capitol Fourth.”
How much money do we spend on fireworks each year?
Over $1 Billion
. In what year did the American Revolution begin?
1775. The war began on April 19, 1775, in Lexington, Massachusetts. Tensions were already high between colonists and British troops when, on the evening of April 18, hundreds of British troops marched to Concord to seize an arms cache. Paul Revere and others rode to sound the alarm. The British troops were confronted in Lexington, and the British quickly retreated under heavy fire.
In an interesting twist, what former president wrote about signing the Declaration of Independence on July 2 instead of July 4?
John Adams. On July 3, he wrote, “The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.” It was on July 2 that the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a motion for independence. Jefferson wrongly assumed that’s the day that would be celebrated rather than the day the Declaration was adopted.
What entity adopted the Declaration of Independence?
The Second Continental Congress. It was a gathering of delegates from the 13 colonies and began meeting in the spring of 1775. The First Continental Congress met in September and October of 1774. The Second Continental Congress was a reconvening of the original. Peyton Randolph was appointed president both times, along with secretary Charles Thomson.
What poem penned by Katharine Lee Bates is now a song that paints a picture of the visual splendor of the United States?
“America the Beautiful.”
. What patriotic hymn is sung to the tune of “God Save the Queen”?
“My Country, ’Tis of Thee.”
What European country helped the American Colonies during the Revolutionary War?
France. According to the Library of Congress, “The Treaty of Alliance made the fledgling United States and France allies against Great Britain in the Revolutionary War. The French decided to back the United States in its military efforts until the United States had full independence from Great Britain. After that, the treaty required France and the United States to work together on any peace agreement.”
Three of the first five presidents died on July 4. Can you name one?
John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Monroe. Rivals John Adams and Thomas Jefferson died three hours apart.
The United States is often called a democracy, but that’s not the country’s form of government. What is the form of government in the United States?
A republic. In response to the question “Well, Doctor, what have we got—a republic or a monarchy?” Benjamin Franklin replied, “A republic, if you can keep it.”
The Boston Massacre caused a riot that led to the greater rebellion that culminated with the Revolutionary War. What founding father defended the British troops in court for killing five men during the Boston Massacre?
John Adams. He was a patriot, but he was also a lawyer.
What other country used to celebrate its independence on July 4?
The Philippines.