Random Fun

What punctuation mark should go after the following sentence?

What is the author's point of view

What is a question mark (?)


What type of writing requires you to tell a story?

What is narrative writing?


Name the Genre-Based Thinking Jobs used to annotate fictional text. 

What is character, setting, problem, solution, motivation, and lesson learned?


Name 5 adjectives, 5 adverbs, 2 proper nouns, and 2 common nouns.

Student answers will vary. 


What literary device does the following sentence exemplify? 

"Cause baby you're a firework; come on show 'em what your worth!"

What is a metaphor?


What is the PARTICIPIAL PHRASE in the following sentence?

Removing his glasses, Clark Kent put on his cape. 

What is "Removing his glasses"


What is the process you must go through during a writing task/assessment? Name it step by step.

What is:

1) Read and annotate your prompt 2) Read and annotate the passage 3) Answer the reading questions 4) Pre-write/Plan your essay 5) Write your essay?

(If students don't name step 3 they may still receive their points)


In Esperanza Rising, the text begins with, "Our land is alive, Esperanza...this whole valley breathes and lives...it gives us the grapes and then they welcome us." This small excerpt is an example of what literary device?

What is personification?


Identify the prepositional phrase in the follow sentence. 

Yesterday, I left my homework packets underneath the kitchen table.

What is "underneath the kitchen table"


What part of an essay is the following sentence considered to be: "Schools should allow students to chew gum because it allows them to perform better in class, increases their concentration, and it increases participation." 

What is a thesis statement?


Add the correct punctuation to the following run-on sentence: 

The Florida manatee has been one of the most protected animals on earth it may now be in danger.

What is "The Florida manatee has been one of the most protected animals on earth, but it may now be in danger."


Identify the following dialogue tag from "The Outsiders" in the sentence below. Then name FIVE dialogue tags with your group. 

"We're gonna clean up the house," I said. "The reporters or police might come by, and anyway, it's time for those guys from the state to come by and check up on us."

What is "I said" -- Other dialogue tags are: exclaimed, screamed, shouted, murmured, groaned, whispered, etc. (Student answers can vary)


What literary device does the following poem contain? 

The man on the corner pulls petals from rosebuds, preparing them perfectly out on the street..pink puddles of petals float over his feet.."

What is alliteration? 


Identify the appositive in the following sentence:

Spelman College, the top Historically Black women's college located in Atlanta, celebrated their Founders Day and their long-standing commitment to academic excellence.

What is "the top Historically Black women's college located in Atlanta"?


A student was having a conversation with a friend and said, "This place is like the Garden of Eden." What literary device did this student utilize in their conversation. Hint: It's NOT a simile in this case :)

What is an allusion?


Locate where the following sentences need commas added. You must locate ALL places on EACH sentence.

Shawn is a clever smart boy.

Jim likes pizza spaghetti and lasagna.

After all that candy nobody was hungry for cake.

What is: 

Shawn is a clever, smart boy.

Jim likes pizza, spaghetti, and lasagna.

After all that candy, nobody was hungry for cake.


What is subjectivity and objectivity? 

What is subjectivity is influenced by emotions, feelings and biases and objectivity is based on facts and is unbiased. 


Who was Pierre in The Giver?

What is Pierre was a character in the story that was disliked by his peers. He was 'very serious, not much fun, and a worrier and tattletale.' He was always worried about abiding by the most trivial rules in the community?


Name the purpose of each type of sentence: declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamatory

What is "an imperative sentence gives a command or makes a request, an exclamatory sentence expresses strong feeling, a declarative sentence makes a statement, and an interrogative sentence asks a question."


Identify the literary device found in the following excerpt from The Giver. 

The Giver shrugged. "Our people made that choice, the choice to go to Sameness. Before my time, before the previous time, back and back and back. We relinquished color when we relinquished sunshine and did away with differences."

What is repetition?


What is the difference between an independent and dependent clause? Then, identify the independent and dependent clause in the following sentence.

Even though she was late, she managed to get her assignment completed. 

What is:

An independent clause is a clause that can stand on its own, by itself. It can stand as a complete sentence. A dependent clause is a clause that does not express a complete thought. It cannot stand on its own as a sentence. 

Even though she was late is the dependent clause in the sentence, which she managed to get her assignment completed is the independent clause.


Why would a student need to utilize [brackets] when writing an essay?

What is a writer uses brackets when they insert or alter/change words in a direct quotation (direct evidence)? 


In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is on his way to the Capulets’ ball where he meets Juliet for the first time, he has a sudden ________________ of the fate that was to come; and although he quickly forgets about it, the audience doesn’t.

What is Romeo has a sudden premonition? 


Construct a sentence about Freedom Prep Academy that includes an adjective, adverb, common noun, proper noun, and prepositional phrase. (Your word choices can coincide) 

Student answers may vary. 


Create a theme based on the Cyclops scene of The Odyssey. Your theme must be thoroughly written and well stated, following all rules of what a strong theme should contain.

Student answers will vary.
