Unit Fraction
Unit Fraction
Unit Fraction
Unit Fraction (Pt 2)
Unit Fraction
Non-unit Fraction
Unit Fraction
Non-Unit Fraction (Pt 2)
Non-Unit Fraction
Non-Unit Fraction

1/3 of the Mrs. M's class love math. Of those that love math, 1/3 of them also love ELA. What fraction of students love BOTH Math and ELA?

1/9 of Mrs. M's class loves both math and ELA.


1/2 of my day is spent sleeping. I am only really in a deep sleep for 1/2 of that time. What fraction of the day am I in a deep sleep?

I am in a deep sleep for 1/4 of the day.


1/3 of the people on a soccer team have made a goal during a game. Of the people who have made a goal during a game, 3/5 of them have attended every team practice.

3/15 or 1/5 of the team has made a goal during the game as well as attended every practice.


1/3 of our quote of the days have been about how we treat other people. 2/5 of those quotes have been about how we treat our friends. What fraction of the quotes have been about how we treat our friends?

2/15 of the quotes have been about how we treat our friends.


2/3 of our class get a ride home from school every day. 3/4 of those that get a ride home everyday get a ride on the bus. What fraction of our class takes the bus?

6/12 or 1/2 of our class takes the bus home.


The people at the party ate 1/2 of the brownies. The next morning, Katelyn's brothers ate of 1/6 what was left. What fraction of the brownies did Katelyn's brothers eat?

Her brothers ate 1/12 of the brownies.


1/3 of the movies that came out in 2023 had a child as the main character. 1/2 of those children were girls. What fraction of the main characters are young girls?

1/6 of the main characters are young girls.


The Utah Jazz won 3/4 of their games this season. 1/3 of those winning games were at home. What fraction of the games this season were won at home?

The Jazz won 3/12 or 1/4 of the games at home.


1/2 of the girls in this class have their hair in a pony tail. 2/2 of the girls with ponytails have brown hair. What fraction of the girls in this class have brown hair and is in a pony tail?

2/4 or 1/2


2/5 of the dogs in a room weigh over 30 pounds. 2/3 of those that weigh over 30 pounds also are brown. What fraction of dogs are over 30 pounds and are brown?


A group of kids got together to play Fortnite. 1/2 of the students have played it before. 1/4 of the students that have played Fortnite have also played Minecraft. What fraction of the kids have played both Fortnight and Minecraft?

1/8 of the kids have played both Minecraft and Fortnite.


1/3 of the people on Eastyn's softball team have played softball for at least 2 years. 1/6 of those people have been playing for more than 3 years. How many people on Eastyn's team have played softball for more than 3 years.

1/18 of the people on Eastyn's team have been playing for more than 3 years.


We want to take a class field trip to Chick-fil-a after school. 1/2 our class ordered a sandwich. 3/4 of those that wanted a sandwich asked for no pickles on their sandwich. What fraction of the class asked for a sandwich with no pickles?

3/12 or 1/4 of the class asked for no pickles on their sandwich.


1/6 of the students in our class love the snow. 3/4 of those that love the snow also love to snowboard or ski. What fraction of our class loves the snow and loves to snowboard or ski?

3/24 of our class loves the snow and loves to snowboard or ski.


4/5 of the students at Longview prefer Twix over snickers. Of those that prefer Twix, 2/3 said that they do not like peanuts. What fraction of students prefer Twix and do not like peanuts?

8/15 of the students prefer twix and do not like peanuts.


Mia drank 1/2 of her water today. She drank 1/5 of that amount when she was at lunch. How much of the water did Mia drink at lunch?

She drank 1/10 of her water at lunch.


Mrs. M made a pizza for her family. They had 1/3 of the pizza left over. She took 1/7 of the leftover pizza for lunch. What fraction of the pizza did Mrs. M bring for lunch today?

She took 1/21 of the pizza for lunch.


3/8 of the shoes that Miss B owns are Nike. Of those Nike shoes, 1/3 of the shoes are colorful. What fraction of the shoes are both Nike and colorful?

3/24 or 1/8 of the shoes are both Nike AND colorful


There is a room full of animals. 1/5 of the animals are cats. 3/4 of those cats are British Shorthair cats. What fraction of all of the animals are British Shorthair cats?

3/20 of the animals are British Shorthaired cats


Ms. B takes her dog Molly to the park by her house. 4/5 of the time they are at the park is spent playing fetch. 5/8 of the time, Molly walks the ball back to Ms. B VERY slowly. What fraction of the time at the park does Molly spend walking back slowly.

1/2 of the time


1/5 of the students at Longview are in fifth grade. Of the students in fifth grade, 1/3 of them have a sibling that also attends Longview. What fraction of fifth graders have a sibling at school with them?

1/15 5th graders have a sibling at Longview


1/5 of the people in our class love scary movies. 1/4 of those people that love scary movies watch at least one scary movie a week. What fraction of our class watch at least one scary movie a week?

1/20 of our class watch at least one scary movie a week.


3/5 of the students in a class are girls. 1/3 of the girls have blonde hair. What fraction of all the students are girls with blonde hair?

3/15 or 1/5 are girls with blonde hair


In our class, 1/3 of the people prefer savory over sweet treats. 3/7 of the people that prefer savory said they prefer pretzels over anything else. What fraction of the class prefers pretzels and savory treats over sweet treats?

1/7 of the class prefers pretzels and savory treats


2/3 of our class has been at Longview since Kindergarten. 6/7 of those who have been at Longview since kindergarten have never moved houses. What fraction of our class has never moved?

12/21 or 4/7 of our class has never moved.
