The top number of a fraction
What is the numerator?
The answer to an addition problem
What is the sum?
The answer to a multiplication problem
What is the product?
The answer to a division problem
What is the quotient?
The bottom number of a fraction
What is the denominator?
The answer to a subtraction problem
What is the difference?
The numbers that are multiplied
What are factors?
The amount each person pays when 5 friends share a $50 bill equally
What is $10?
The numerator and denominator are the same
What is a fraction equal to 1?
What do you need in order to add or subtract fractions
What is a common denominator (like fractions)?
When multiplying a factor by a number equal to 1, the product _____________
(f x 1.0)
What is "will be the same as that factor"?
The amount each person gets when eight friends share 4 donuts equally
What is 4/8 or 1/2?
The numerator is less than the denominator
What is a fraction less than 1?
The ECD (easiest common denominator) for 1/2 and 3/4
What is 8?
When multiplying a factor by a number greater than 1, the product ________
(f x 7/3)
What is "will be greater than that factor"?
When dividing a whole number by a unit fraction, the quotient is _________. (When you start with a whole number, you end with a ________.)
(14 divided by 1/2)
What is a whole number (larger whole number)?
The numerator is larger than the denominator
What is a fraction greater than 1 (improper fraction)?
The LCD (least common denominator) for 2/6 and 4/12
What is 12?
When multiplying a factor by a number less than 1, the product ________
(f x 1/4)
What is "will be less than that factor"?
When dividing a unit fraction by a whole number, the quotient is _________. (When you start with a unit fraction, you end with a ________.)
(1/3 divided by 5)
What is a unit fraction (smaller unit fraction)?