Fraction x Whole
Whole x Fraction
Fraction x and / Fraction

What is 3/4× 8?
Is the product larger or smaller than 3/4?

6 = larger


What is 4/5 ÷ 5? 

Is the quotient larger or smaller than 4/5?

 What is: 4/25 = smaller


What is 5 × 2/3? 

Is the product larger or smaller than 5?


What is 10/3 and smaller?


What is 7 ÷ 1/2? 

Is the quotient larger or smaller than 7?

What is 14 and larger?

What is 2/3 × 3/4 

Is the product larger or smaller than 2/3?

What is 1/2 and smaller than 2/3?


A recipe calls for 2/5 of a cup of sugar. If you want to make 10 batches, how much sugar do you need in total?
Is the product larger or smaller than 2/5?

4 = larger


If you have 3/4 of a pizza and want to share it equally among 2 friends, how much pizza will each friend get? Is the quotient larger or smaller than 3/4?

What is: 3/8 = smaller


If you have 3 fruit baskets and each basket contains 1/2 a pound of apples, how many pounds of apples do you have? 

Is the product larger or smaller than 3?


What is 3/2 and smaller?


If you have 9 candies and you want to divide them by 3/4 of a candy, how many portions do you get? 

Is the quotient larger or smaller than 9?

What is 12 and larger?


What is 3/4 ÷ 1/2? 

Is the quotient larger or smaller than 3/4?

What is 3/2 or 1 & 1/2 and larger?


What is 5/6 x 12?
Is the product larger or smaller than the multiplicand?

 10 = larger than the multiplicand


What is 9/10÷3? 

Is the quotient larger or smaller than 9/10?


 What is: 3/10 = smaller


What is 10 × 4/5? 

Is the product larger or smaller than 10?

What is 8 and smaller?

What is 4 ÷ 2/5? 

Is the quotient larger or smaller than 4?

What is 10 and larger?


If you have 1/2 of a cake and you want to share it with 1/3 of a friend, how much cake does each person get? (Is the product larger or smaller than 1/2?

What is 1/6 and smaller than 1/2?


You read 7/8 of a book. If the book has 16 chapters, how many chapters have you read?
Is the product larger or smaller than the multiplicand?

14 = larger


A bottle contains 5/6 of a liter of juice. If you pour it into 1 glass, how much juice is left? 

Is the quotient larger or smaller than the dividend?

 What is 5/6 = equal to the dividend


You buy 6 packs of stickers, and each pack has 3/4 of a sticker sheet. How many sticker sheets do you have in total? 

Is the product larger or smaller than the multiplicand?

What is 18/4 or 4 and 1/2 and smaller than 6?


You have 10 liters of water and want to pour them into cups that each hold 1/3 of a liter. How many cups can you fill? 

Is the quotient larger or smaller than the dividend?

What is 30 and larger than 10?


 If you have 5/6 of a cake and you want to divide it by 2/3, how much cake will each person get? 

Is the quotient larger or smaller than 5/6?

What is 5/4 or 1 & 1/4 and larger?


What is 1/2 x 20?
Is the product larger or smaller than the multiplicand?

10 = larger


What is 7/8 ÷ 4? 

Is the quotient larger or smaller than the dividend?

 What is 7/32 and smaller?


What is 8 × 5/6? 

Is the product larger or smaller than the multiplicand?

What is 40/6 or 6&4/6 or 6 & 2/3 and smaller than the multiplicand?


What is 12 ÷ 5/6? 

Is the quotient larger or smaller than the dividend?

What is 72/5 or 14 and 2/5 and larger than 12?


Liam is preparing fruit smoothies for his friends. He has 6 bananas. Each smoothie requires 1/2 banana. How many smoothies can he make with the bananas he has?

Smoothies from bananas =
6 ÷ 1/2 =
6 × 2 =

12 smoothies.

