What is common denominator for 3/4 and 1/3?
What is 12
The first step for adding fractions like:
3/4 + 1/8
The steps for subtracting fractions are similar to which of the following: adding, multiplying or dividing.
What is adding?
1/4 x 1/3 =
What is 1/12
What does K C F stand for?
What is the least common denominator for 1/5 and 2/15
What is 15
The solution to this problem, 3/4 + 9/16, will be this before simplifying.
The first step to solve an equation like 5/8 - 2/8 is.
True or False: when multiplying a mixed fraction, do not change to an improper fraction.
What is false?
What is the reciprocal of 3/5?
What is 5/3
Simplify 12/36
What is 1/3
3/8 + 2/8 =
5/10 - 2/10 =
3/6 x 1/4 =
3/24 or 1/8
2/5 divided by 1/2
Simplify 8/12
What is 2/3
3/5 + 1/10 =
7/8 - 1/4 =
What is 1/8?
3/7 x 1/5 =
What is 3/35
The most important rule for dividing with fractions is this.
Multiply the divisor by the reciprocal?
Simplify 25/7
Hint: Burger?
3 4/7
3/4 + 1/5 =
True or False: the common denominator for this equation, 3/8 - 1/6, is 24.
What is true?
1 3/4 x 2/3 =
What is 1 1/6
2/3 divided by 1/6
What is 4