What do we call fractions with different numerators and denominators but the same value?
Equivalent fractions
Solve: 3/4 + 1/3
13/12 or 1 1/12
Solve: 2/5 x 4/9
Solve: 2/5 / 4
2/20 or 1/10
What album has a 4 digit number as the title?
What is the least common multiple of two denominators?
The Least Common Denominator
Solve: 8/9 + 1 1/3
20/9 or 2 2/9
Solve: 2 1/8 x 3 3/4
7 31/32
Solve: 7/9 / 2/3
21/18 or 1 1/6
When driving, where do you see always see fractions?
At the gas station
What is the smallest number that is a multiple of two numbers?
The Least Common Multiple
Solve 1 1/2 - 5/8
Solve: 6 2/3 x 2 1/4
Solve: 7/8 / 2 1/4
At home, other than doing your math homework, when might you multiply fractions?
When baking!
What is a fraction called when the numerator is larger than the denominator?
An Improper Fraction
Solve: 6 - 1 2/3
4 1/3
Solve: 3/4 x 4/7 x 3
1 2/7
Solve: 2 2/3 / 8
What is the most common reason to divide by 60?
To track time! An hour is 60 minutes and a minute is 60 seconds.
What is the highest number that is a factor of two or more numbers?
Solve: 1 2/3 + 4 3/8
5 25/24 or 6 1/24
Solve: 2/3 x 1 1/4 x 2
10/6 or 1 2/3
Solve: 15/16 / 15/24
How do you get to the Hogwart's Express?
Platform 9 3/4