How many equal parts the whole is divided into.
What is the denominator?
When the numerator and the denominator are of equal value.
What is one whole or one?
Two fractions whose denominators are the same value.
What are like fractions?
Two fractions whose denominators are not the same value.
What are unlike fractions?
A part of a whole.
What is a fraction?
How many equal parts you have.
What is the numerator?
The numerator is bigger than the denominator.
What is an improper fraction?
When two fractions are equal to each other.
What is an equivalent fraction?
The line that separates the numerator from the denominator.
What is the fraction bar?
A whole number together with a proper fraction.
What is a mixed number?
When the greatest common factor of the numerator and denominator of a fraction is 1.
What is lowest terms?
When the numerator is smaller than the denominator.
What is a proper fraction?