Fractions with denominators of 10 or 100 written with a dot.
What is a decimal?
0.02 as a fraction.
What is 2/100
13/100 as a decimal.
What is 0.13?
What is greater than?
2 + 0.3=______
What is 2.3?
tenths, hundredths, and thousandths.
What is place value?
1.33 as a fraction
What is 1 and 33/100
3/100 as a decimal.
What is 0.03?
0.1 is ______ than 0.01
What is greater than?
1 + 0.28= _____
What is 1.28?
Two fractions with the same value.
What is equivalent fraction?
0.30 as a fraction
What is 30/100 or 3/10?
4 and 7/10 as a decimal.
What is 4.7
3.30 is _____ than 3.3
What is equal to?
0.2 + 0.13 + 1= _____
What is 1.33?
A fractions with whole numbers and fractions.
What is a mixed number?
0.5 as a fraction?
What is 5/10 or 1/2?
2 and 30/100 as a decimal.
What is 2.30?
18/100 is ______ than 5/10.
What is less than?
1/10 + 20/100= ____
What is 30/100?
Determine which fraction has a greater value.
What is comparing fractions?
0.045 as a fraction.
What is 45/1000?
1 and 2/1000 as a decimal.
What is 1.002?
2.08 is _____ than 2.8
What is less than?
51/100 + 4/10 = ______
What is 91/100?