Fractions to Percents 1/2
What is 50%
What is the greatest common factor of both 16 and 20 that you could use to simplify 16/20ths?
What is 10% of 55?
What is 5.5
Fractions to Percents 4/5
What is 80%
Decimals to Percents .49
What is 49%
Percents to Decimals 46.7%
What is 0.467
What is 1% of 234?
What is 2.34
Fractions to Percents 18/25
72 %
Decimals to Percents 1.4
What is 140%
Decimal to Fraction .375
What is 3/8
What is 5% of 342.8?
What is 17.14
Fractions to Percents 1/8
What is 12.5%
Decimals to Percents .625
What is 62.5%
In lowest terms: Percents to Fractions 95%
What is 19/20
What is 13% of 30?
What is 3.9
Fractions to Percents 1/16
Decimals to Percents 2.05
What is 205%
Percents to Decimals 3.2%
What is 0.032
What is 95% of 2500?
What is 2375