This fraction has a greater numerator than its denominator
What is an improper fraction?
I can only add fraction that have the same...
What are same denominators?
If I have a whole and a fraction to multiply, I can...
What is create a repeated addition equation?
If I am subtracting fractions, I have to put which fraction in the front?
What is the larger fraction?
The three things that I need to do when solving a word problems are
What are read, draw, write?
This type of fraction has a whole on the left and a fraction on the right
What is a mixed number?
If I have fractions that have different denominators, I have to...
If I have a fraction and a whole number to multiply, I can...
What is multiply the whole and the numerator?
If I am subtracting mixed numbers, I have to subtract which parts of the mixed numbers first?
What are the wholes first?
Ms. Hernandez has 3/5 of coffee cup full in the morning. Mx. Sarah gives her 2/5 cup more. Solve for Ms. Hernandez's total amount of coffee in the cup.
What is 5/5 cup?
The fraction 24/5 is also equal to?
What is 4 4/5?
2/5 + 2/5 is also
What is 4/5
1/4 x 2 is also
What is 3/4?
2 3/8 - 1 1/8 is
What is 1 2/8?
Ms. Park Has 7/8 liters of paint. She uses 1/8 liters for 1st grade and 2/8 for 4th grade. How many liters of paint she has left?
What is 4/8 liters left?
The fraction 100/6 is also the same as what mixed number?
What is 16 4/6?
1/3 + 2/6 is also
What is 4/6?
5/8 x 3 is also
What is 15/3?
3 4/5 - 1 1/5 is
What is 2 3/5?
Filiga has 3/8 of Ritz crackers left in the box. She ate some during the day. What is the fraction of what Filiga ate?
What 5/8 of the box?
The fraction 25/5 is also the same as
What is 5 wholes?
2/5 + 1/3 is also
What is 11/15?
10/4 x 6 is also
What is 60/4 or 15 wholes?
3 4/9 - 1 5/9 is
What is 1 8/9?
What is 2 6/7 cups?