When dividing fractions, you flip the first fraction, the dividend, and then multiply.
True or False?
False. You flip the second fraction, the divisor, and then multiply.
5/7 - 3/7 =
1/4 * 3/5 =
24 years young
When you adding or subtract fractions, you add/subtract the numerators AND denominators.
True or False?
False. You add the numerators but keep the denominator the same.
6/7 + 8/7 =
14/7 or 2
3/13 * 8/3 =
What is the best selling video game console of all time?
The Playstation 2
You must change the denominators for both fractions if the denominators are different, before multiplying.
True or False?
False. This is only true when adding or subtracting fractions.
3/4 + 7/8 =
3/5 divide 5/9 =
You don't use the division operation when dividing fractions.
True or False?
True. You multiply two fractions when you are dividing the fractions.
8/9 - 9/11 =
10/11 divide 9/4 =
How many MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) films have been released?
23 films have been released!
When you add or subtract fractions, you must find the greatest common denominator, or greatest common factor, before adding both fractions.
True or False?
False. You find the least common denominator, or the least common multiple.
3/4 + 2/5 - 7/10 =
7/8 divide 2/9 =
Mr Sewart plays what sport most frequently
Tennis or Golf (Either Answer accepted)