the top digit in a fraction
What is the numerator?
Name this fraction
4 / 8
What fraction of the pets are dogs?
3 / 5
Name this fraction:
3 / 5
The bottom digit of a fraction
What is the denominator?
Name this fraction
2 / 4
What fraction of the pets are birds?
1 / 9
Name this Fraction
1 / 8
The top part of a fraction that tells how many pieces you are talking about is
What is the numerator
Name this fraction
1 / 3
What fraction of these are red?
7 / 10
What fraction of these are NOT balls?
2 / 9
The bottom portion of the fraction that tells how many equal pieces there are in a whole is called
What is the denominator
Name this fraction
2 / 8
What fraction of these are Blue?
3 / 10
What fraction of this set are NOT American Footballs?
18 / 24
True or False (and why): All three picture represent fractions
False, not all the parts are equal in the first and third pictures.
Name this fraction
5 / 12
What fraction of these are Red AND Blue?
3 / 9
What fraction represents the basketballs in this set?
3 / 13