a number value with a numerator and a denominator
Fractions that represent the same number or value are called ___________________ fractions.
Equivalent fractions
The top number in a fraction
The bottom number in a fraction
Fractions represent a ________ of a whole.
The same denominator used in two or more fractions.
Common denominator
A number that represents part of a whole or part of a set.
When I divide a fraction as low as I can, that is called ___________________.
When we have an improper fraction, we need to convert it to a ____________ _______________.
Mixed Number
A fraction bar represents multiplication, addition, subtraction, or division?
When the numerator is equal to the denominator, the value equals one _________.
When we add and subtract fractions, we must have ____________ ____________s.
The answer to a multiplication problem is called the ___________________.
The process to divide fractions is _______, ________, _________.
Keep, Change, Flip
A fraction with a numerator that is greater than the denominator.
Improper fraction
A fancy way to say that two or more values are equal
A number that has a whole number AND a fraction is called a ____________ ________________.
Mixed Number
The answer to a division problem is called the ____________________.
To multiply fractions, we multiply ___________ by _______________ and ______________ by _______________.
Numerator by Numerator
Denominator by Denominator