French for: I've seen this all before
What is déjà vu?
I like science.
J'aime la science.
It is noon.
Je mange/I eat
Est-ce que tu manges les fruits ?
Do you eat fruit?
A French breakfast pastry with lots of butter
What is a croissant?
We work.
Nous travaillons.
Nous aimons l'histoire.
We like History.
Vous commencez/Y'all begin
Est-ce qu'elle déteste les sports ?
Does she hate sports?
Unclear reasoning, foggy
What is vague?
Y'all begin the homework.
Vous commencez les devoirs.
C'est le weekend !
It's the weekend!
Ils nagent/they swim
Mangeons-nous à la cantine après ce cours ?
Are we visiting Commons/the dining hall after this class?
A French dance style known for its slippers and tutus
What is ballet?
French begins at 8:20am.
Le français commence à huit heures vingt.
Le cours de maths commence à onze heurs moins le quart.
Math class begins at quarter to 11am/10:45am.
Tu détestes/You hate
Nage-t-il dans le lac ?
Does he swim in the lake?
Appetizers or other small plates to eat before a meal; literally, not included in the main meal/outside the main meal
What are hors-d'œuvres?
It is 9:55pm.
Il est dix heures moins cinq du soir OU Il est vingt-deux heures moins cinq.
La philosophie est intéressant et le cours termine à midi trente!
Philosophy class is interesting and it ends at 12:30pm!
Nous terminons/We finish
Est-ce que vous avez vos stylos et vos crayons pour le cours de français ?
Do y'all have your pens and pencils for French class?