I am a tropical fruit. I am many different colors on the outside. To say my name, say the opposite of WOMAN and then say the opposite of STOP. Que suis-je (en francais)?
From me you get milk, leather and steak. I'm always giving but I rarely take. Je suis quoi?
une vache
Comment dit-on: "breakfast"?
Comment dit-on: Fork
You carve me more than you eat me. People think I'm the largest fruit there is. Je suis quoi?
une citrouille
What is the "wealthiest" nut?
Noix de cajou
Comment dit-on: "to be hungry"?
Avoir faim
Comment dit-on Spoon
I am the father of all fruits. Je suis quoi?
une papaye
What do you call a cat who has sprouted fins and loves to swim?
Comment dit-on: "to be thirsty"?
avoir soif
Comment dit-on: knife
I'm red and small, and I have a heart of stone. Je suis quoi?
une cerise
I am the most cowardly and fearful of all foods/animals and do my best to run away.
le poulet
Comment dit-on: "snack" en francais?
Comemtn dit-on: napkin
I am a small fruit that comes in a variety of colors, like purple, blue, red, yellow and green. I have a hard pit inside of me. I rhyme with HUM. Je suis quoi?
Open me, and you can't see me without a mirror. Close me and you can't see me at all.
Que suis-je?
les yeux
Comment dit-on: "to be healthy"?
etre au regime
Comment dit-on: plate