define avoir
to have
write out 160 in french
cent soixante
le corps
le bras
la genou
What's the difference between football and football americain?
soccer vs. football
*Phrase complete*
define faire
to do / to make
Write in number form
mille huit cent
La lutte
Le ski du fond
Le football
Nordic Skiing
Comment s'appelle la soeur de Mlle. Ingersoll?
* Phrase complete *
Elle s'appelle Amelie.
conjugate and define etre
to be
je suis nous sommes
tu es vous etes
il/elle est ils/elles sont
As a group chant in unison one through ten
*No one may say sePt or you're done*
un,deux, trois, quatre, cinq, six, sept, huit, neuf, dix,
Translate into English:
Elle porte une jupe rose, les chausettes blanches, un pull gris et une echarpe noire.
She's wearing a pink skirt, white socks a grey sweatshirt and a black scarf.
Translate into English:
Il fait deux sports, le ski du font en hiver et le football pendant le printemps.
He does two sports, nordic skiing in the winter and soccer in the spring.
Slowly sing the alphabet in unison with as much proper pronunciation as possible
*large mistakes will count you as not getting the points *
What is the rule for conjugating RE verbs ?
Drop RE
Add s,s, , ons, ez, ent
Write out deux mille dix huit
la cheville
les cheveux
les cheveaux
les chevilles
un cheval
Define and conjugate nager
to swim
nage nageons
nages nagez
nage nagent
What two countries did Ms. Ingersoll study in?
***Double points if you can name the two cities ***
Yaounde, Cameroon
Thies, Senegal
conjugate and define courir
means to run
cours courons
cours courez
court courent
Write out 1989
mille neuf cent quatre vingt neuf
Write in french :
The cat has four legs, two ears and a nose.
Le chat a quatre jambes, deux oreilles et un nez.
Translate into French :
I do three sports; soccer, downhill skiing and in the spring I bike.
* be mindful of articles *
Comment s'appelle les chats des parents de Mlle. Ingersoll?
*full sentence*
Les chats s'appellent Fred et Fiona