What is l'éducation à distance, in english.
What is distance learning in french?
Décris YouTube, le application de médias sociaux.
What is, a video-sharing website in which users can upload, view, and comment on videos.
What is school, in french.
What is l'école.
Decris terrible.
What is terrible.
Say 5 adjectives verbs in 10 seconds.
What is... (according to teacher+timer)
What is digital camera in french?
What is un appareil numérique.
What is a social media platform in which people post short videos which can be shared.
What is; TikTok, le application de médias sociaux.
What is professeurs in english.
What is; teachers.
What is fantastic, in french.
What is; fantastique.
Translate- Bien, pommes, mal, francais, fromage.
What is les spams et les logiciels malveillants, in english.
What is; spam and malware in french.
Décris Roblox, le application de médias sociaux.
What is the ultimate virtual universe that lets you create, share experiences with friends, and be anything you can imagine.
What is students in french.
What is; eleves.
Decris réussi.
What is successful.
Comment t'appelle tu?
What is your name?
What is scammers in french.
What is les arnaqueurs.
What is a website where users may create a personal profile, add other users as friends, and exchange comments, photos, videos, and "likes" with them.
What is; décris Facebook, le application de médias sociaux.
What is travailler/devoir in english.
What is; work,homework.
What is calm;quiet, in french.
What is; tranquille.
Quel est ton numéro de téléphone ?
What is your telephone number?
What is un mot de passe in english.
What is password in french.
Décris WhatsApp, le application de médias sociaux.
What is a freeware and cross-platform messaging and Voice over IP service.
What is computer in french.
What is; l'ordinateur.
Decris drôle.
What is funny.
Où vas-tu à l'école?
What is... CMS.