What are four ways to greet someone or say hello and when do you say them?
Bonjour - as long as the sun is up.
Bonsoir - when it is the evening, or sun goes down.
Salut - use it anytime, meaning hi.
Bonne nuit - means good night/used at night.
How do you say seventeen in french?
What is "Sunday" in French?
Where is the accent in the word "J'achète" and what is the accent called?
The accent is on the e (è), and it is called grave accent.
Is "la" a definite or indefinite article?
Definite article.
What are the four ways to say goodbye?
1- Ou revoir
2- Salut (bye)
3- á tout á l'heure
4- á beintôt.
How do you say fifteen in French?
What is "Friday" in French?
Name the accent used in the word "Noël", and state why it is used.
The accent used is Tréma, it is used because if there are two vowels in the same word, you put the Tréma accent to separate each vowel. In this case the accent is put on the second vowel because both sound different.
Fill in the blank using the correct type of article:
C'est ____ (f) femme de Ludovic.
"une", because it is a indefinite, femina article.
When someone asks for your name, you respond with.. and how do you ask for his/her name?
"Je m'appelle (your name)", "et toi?"
How do you say eight in French?
What is "Wednesday" in French?
Where is the accent in "Reçu", and why is it used?
The accent is the "ç", it is called the cedille accent, and it's used as follows:
- c + e = pronounce as letter "s". Ex: çela. accent under c.
- c + anything else = "k" pronunciation. Ex: Catalogue.
Fill in the blank using the correct type of article:
Il aime ___ équitation.
L', because the word is singular and it begins with a vowel.
How do you ask for someone's age? And how do you respond if someone asked you the same question?
Ask: "Quel âge as tu?"
Respond: "Jai (your age) ans. et toi?".
Which accent is used in "hôpital", and why is it used?
The accent used is circonflexe, and it is used when vowels are present in a word.
Examples of circonflexe accents include: â, ê, ô, û, î, etc.
Word examples: têste, îsle, hôstle, etc. Letters after a circonflexe accent are not pronounced in a word like the "s" in these examples.
Fill in the blank using the correct type of article:
____ disques d'Edith Piaf sont en vente chez tous les disquaires.
"Les" , because it is plural for masculine/feminine.
How do you ask for someone's name if you are talking about a person that isn't here, and what is the response?
Boy: Comment il s'appelle?
Responding: Il s'appelle...
Girl: Comment elle s'appelle?
Responding: Elle s'appelle...
How do you say thirty one in French?
"trente et un"
What is "tomorrow" in French?
Name all les accents in French.
aigu, grave, circonflexe, tréma, and cedille.
Name all the articles and say which one is definite or indefinite, and if it's for masculine or feminine.
Les articles definis:
- La: feminine/singular.
- Le: masculine/singular.
- Les:plural (masculine et feminine).
- L': singular (masculine or feminine)+word starts with a vowel.
Les articles indéfinis:
- Un: masculine/singular.
- Une: feminine/singular.
- Des: plural.