Technological and Scientific Innovation
Wars with the French
Social Development and Religion

Was a French general, First Consul, and the emperor of France. 

(Answer must include his full title)

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


He was a French lawyer and statesman. He was a controversial figure in the French Revolution. He was a member of the Jacobin club. He championed the idea of universal male suffrage along with the abolition of slavery. He was executed by the guillotine.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre?


This was considered a war of religion in France. It was fought between Henry III, Henry Navarre, and Henry of Guise. 

What was the War of the Three Henry's?


This class of nobles in state offices lost their place in 1790 when the parliament and lower courts were abolished. This group of nobles played key roles in the Enlightenment, one being Montesquieu. 

What was the Nobles of the Robe?


This man was the comptroller-general of finances under Louis XIV.

What is Jean Baptiste Colbert?


Ruled from 1774-92. He was killed by the guillotine along with this wife, the Archduchess of Austria. Put in place high taxes that became a cause of the French Revolution.

Who is Louis XVI?


French philosopher, scientist, and mathematician. His most significant achievement was the use of algebraic formulas to describe geometric figures.

Who is Rene Descartes?


A series of rebellions in the 1620s when French calvinists revolted against royal authority. 

What was the Huguenot Rebellions?


Signed in 1598 by Henry IV. Granted Huguenots rights in France. It ended the French Wars of Religion.

What was the Edict of Nantes? 


This good was the main economic motive for the development of New France in North America. (Hudson bay to Gulf of Mexico)

What is the Fur Trade.


This monarch ruled from 1643 to 1715 and was considered an absolute monarch. He entered France into the War of Spanish Succession. Inheriting the throne at a young age, he was led by Cardinal Mazarin. Had a series of continuous wars.

Who is Louis XIV?


He was an advocate for freedom of speech, religion, and separation of church and state. He was a major figure in the age of Enlightenment. He influences the French and American Revolutions.

Who is Voltaire?


Lasted from 1618-1640. Was ended by the Peace of Westphalia. It had four phases of war. Pinned Catholics and Protestants against each other. Gustavus Adolphus was a key figure during this war.

What was the Thirty Years' War?


Reformation of the church happened rapidly in a series of civil wars in France. What massacre happened in 1572, resulting in the deaths of several thousand Huguenots.

What was the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre?


France established their own colonies and trading networks to compete with what two major powers.

What is Portugal and Spain?


He was the King of France and Navarre. He ruled from 1601-43. Some believed he was mentally unstable. He is the son of Henry IV and Marie de' Medici. His mother tried to arrange a marriage between him and Anne of Austria, who is the daughter of the Spanish king (Phillip III).

He also has a whiskey named after him.

Who is Louis XIII?


He was considered the father of french mercantilism. He helped to modernize Paris and was considered an accomplished Comptroller-General of Finances.

Who is Jean-Baptiste Colbert?


This was was from 1672-1678. Was fought between Louis XIV and William III of Orange. Louis invaded the Dutch republic and occupied Dutch provinces. England and the Dutch republic signed the treaty of Westminster. Spain, Holy Roman Empire, and Lorraine helped the Dutch defeat the French. 

What was the Franco-Dutch War?


French invasion of Italy in the 15th and 16th centuries led to paintings of French kings and nobles in this form of art. (Think time period)

What is Renaissance art?


A tax on this good helped fund wars. It was used to help with preservation. Taxes on this good was successful because it was vital to the human diet.

What is the Salt Tax?


This monarch played a major role in the development of the French Renaissance. He ruled during the period of 1515-47.

Who is Francis I?


He was a French chemist and pharmacist. He is known for his discovery of the germ theory and principles of vaccinations. The pasteurization of milk was named after him because of his discoveries.

Who is Louis Pasteur?


Conflict between France and the Great Alliance from 1688 to 1697. This fighting spread to their colonies. France was defeated by England and both signed the treaty of Ryswick. 

What was the Nine Years' War?

Divided society into three estates: The First Estate (clergy), the Second Estate (nobility), and the Third Estate (commoners). Ended in 1789.

What was the Ancien Regime?


This institution was developed in Paris in 1800. It was established by Napoleon for economic recovery after recession during the revolutionary period.

What is the Bank of France?
