True or False The current leader of France is Napoleon Bonaparte?
Whats the most common language in France?
French which is spoken by 88% of people in France
True or False Does France have a highly educated work force?
What is one unique physical feature of France?
Mount st. Michel, French Riviera, River Seine, Pyrenees mountains and the French Alps.
Who was the emperor of France in 1804?
Napoleon Bonaparte
Name one holiday in France
Christmas, Easter, Apero, Bastille Day, and Armistice Day.
Name one major industry in France
Tourism, Avaiton, manufactured goods, wine and cheese products.
True or false the French Rivera is known for its very dirty water
False. It is known for its clear water
When did World War 1 start?
What is Bastille day?
France's independence day.
What does GDP mean?
Gross domestic product
Where is Mount st. Michel located?
off the mainland of Normandy France
When was the French Revolotion?
What is the most famous museum is France and name one piece of artwork there
Louvre Museum. The Mona Lisa, Liberty Leading the People, The Raft of Medusa, The Coronation of the People, and The Wedding at Cana.
What is France's GDP
A little over three trillion
How long is the River Seine?
483 miles long
Name one advent that happend during the third republic.
World War 1 and 2, General de Gaulle created a government for France and got back their land.
When was the Louvre Museum buit?
What is the most famous aviation company in France called?
Air France
Which mountain range is longer? The Pyreness or the Alps?
The Alps which is 750 miles long while the Pyreness is 310 miles long