What type of Healthcare Coverage does France have?
Solo Based Coverage
SHI is publicly sponsored health insurance, financed by:
employer and employee payroll taxes (50%), national earmarked income tax (35%), The remaining 15% is subsidized by taxes on tobacco and alcohol, the pharmaceutical industry and voluntary health insurance companies (13%), and state subsidies (2%)
Which country do you believe has the best Healthcare System?
The country with the best HC system is South Korea. France is actually #7 as of 2021.
What services are covered in France? (List at least 3 )
Hospital care, Outpatient services, Prescription drugs, Spa treatments, Nursing home care, Cash benefits, Dental and vision care
How does France Healthcare work?
Partially funded by the government
Patient pays a small contribution to their healthcare costs
The state health insurance for France covers approximately 70-100% like doctor visits, and hospital costs.
Low-income and long-term sick patients receive 100% coverage.
What are the names of the different levels of benefits on some insurance plans?
bronze, silver, gold, and platinum
What coverage are patients responsible for?
Coinsurance, Copayments , Balance bills
France vs USA ( similarities )
Both rely on private insurance as well as government insurance
Insurance is mainly provided through the employer
How much is the average healthcare plan?
How is coverage handled / through who?
National Health Insurance
France vs USA ( differences 1 )
France is ranked the highest by the World Health Organization (WHO)
U.S. invest the most in Healthcare
What state as top care for healthcare?
In France SHI stands for?
Statutory Health Insurance
France vs USA ( differences 2 )
U.S. spends more than France on healthcare
Everyone has healthcare in France and in the U.S. it’s a challenge to get healthcare.
What state as the best medicaid program / coverage?
Massachusettes 76.44%