Francis Bacon,Life & Terms
Idols of the Cave
Idols of the Tribe
Idols of the Theatre
Empiricism/Idols of the marketplace

This famous Quote written by Francis Bacon exercises Prudence at all times

What is ¨knowledge is power¨


The ¨idols of the cave"is represented by distortions caused in a persons life

What is personal experience?


This example of Idol of the Tribe we spend most of our lives looking at or chatting with others on. 

What is Social media?


 Empiricism is based on 2 things. 

What is experience and observation?

Francis Bacon was either an empiricist or a rationalist 

What is an empiricist? 


Aristotle and Fracis Bacon were different in what way

What is Empiricism? 


Francis Bacon considered all 4 idols as one thing 

What are sins?


Sports teams, Cults, and Friend groups are all examples of Idols of The Tribe and all of these groups share one thing

What is mutual bias?


There is one type of theory that is very popular in the idols of the theatre that goes off of predicting and facts that you want to believe

What are conspiracy theories? 


Dirty words like cursing are used for emphasis, To shock, and to express strong attitudes, but their point isn´t to target a person. their point isn't to harm although Words used to attack someone's identity are considered this.. 

What is hate speech?

Francis bacon was referred too as the father of 2 things

What is Inductive reasoning and the formulation of science?


Idols of the cave are related to one these ¨idols¨ which represent biases 

What is Idols of the Tribe?


For Francis Bacon their is no ¨____¨ or ¨_____¨ natural knowledge

What is ¨innate¨ or ¨native¨ natural knowledge?


People are more likely to accept and take in information that aligns with their beliefs and values and reject any other information even if the opposite side is obviously stronger. There is a lot of evidence going on today that proves this.

What is Politics?


Empiricism is the very opposite to this philosophical view which states that reason and logic are the main sources of knowledge

What is rationalism?


Bacon is blamed for spuring the envirormental castatrophes because of a quote he wrote

What is ¨Domination over the earth?¨


Our Upbringing and personal experiences makes us percieve the world differently then someone else this could be because of bias or it could be for another reason.

What is Comfort?


Social media can change our perspective on the world because of what the rest of the world believes. Although most things on social media are fake This can make our opinions very strong or positive as if they were facts. Another word for this would be 

What is dogmatic? 


Name the different 3 idols of the theater

What is Sophistical, Empirical, and Superstitious?


People who are afraid of black cats because of the myths are what subdivision of idols of the theatre? 

What is Superstitious? 


There are 3 types of power Bacon called ambition name one.

What is the desire to advance their own power and interest, The desire for the power of one country to exercise control over another country, and the final type of power was better than the human race?


President Donald Trump wants to make Canada the 51st state although Justin Trudeau will not let that happen. Donald Trump is using what power. 

 What is The desire for the power of one country to exercise control over another country?


¨When a speakers attitude dosen´t match that of their audience, their words- whether they were intended to just be funny, edgy or dirty¨ this could end in conclusions that are 

What is seriously harmful? 


My friend told me she saw a ghost I asked for proof and she said she didn't have any but I believed her anyway because I think ghosts are real. This is one subdivision of idols of the theater. 

What is Sophistical? 


The empiricist movement gained prominence during this period, emphasizing reason and individualism in Europe.   

What is the Enlightenment?  
