When was Francis Drake born?
He was born in 1540, he was oldest of his twelve brothers
How did drakes ship get attacked by the spanish
He traded slaves even though the Spanish ban
why was Francis Drake called a hero?
In 1587, drake destroyed many of the ships in a raid on the spanish port of cadiz.
how did Francis Drake die?
he surcommed to a fever
When did Francis drake become a sailor
the early 1550's
Who approved Francis Drake to attack the Spanish fleet?
Queen Elizabeth I
how much money worth of gold did Francis Drake capture
around $14 million dollars worth of gold.
Francis Drake was 13 when he sailed, true or false
how many years was Francis Drake out fighting the Spanish fleet?
20 years.
Who was francis drakes dad
edmund drake
what was the punishment for Francis Drake because he traded slaves
his ship got attacked
What were the names of 9 of the siblings Francis drake had?
wendall Drake, Howard drake, Albert Drake, Doris drake, devere drake, Edna Drake, James Drake, and grant Drake.
how many crew men died while he was away attacking the Spanish fleet
30 men
what happened in 1577
with hostilities between England and Spain . Queen Elizabeth unleashed drake on the Spanish fleet and sacked Spanish ships. Capturing over fourteen million dollars worth of gold.