Where are the Québécois located?
In Quebec, in cities like Montreal and Quebec City.
What is poutine?
Fries, gravy, cheese curds
What are some things you can do at Carnaval de Québec?
Ice canoe races and snow sculptures
What is a toque?
Knitted hat to help keep warm
What does Francophone mean?
Where are the Acadians located?
The Maritimes.
What is one way to make maple syrup treats?
Pour hot maple syrup on snow, roll up with a popsicle stick.
What instrument is commonly played in Acadian music?
What does Anglophone mean?
French is the official language in this province
What are the Maritime provinces?
New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island.
What is a tourtiére and where is it commonly found?
A meat pie. Amongst the les Québécois and Franco-Colombiens.
What is the mascot for the Carnaval de Québec?
Bonhomme (snowman)
What is culture?
A collection of shared beliefs, values, and practices that define a group of people
Who fought for language education rights?
Where are the Franco-Colombiens located?
What is Bannock and where is this commonly found?
A bread that Métis people have made in BC.
What does tintamarre mean?
A famous tradition where people march through the streets making as much noise as possible with instruments, whistles, and pots and pans to show pride in their culture.
What is a ceinture fléchée?
A colorful woven sash
Acadians who moved to Louisiana are called this.
Where are the Métis located?
Fort Nelson in BC.
Who commonly eats Fricot?
Les Acadians
What is common amongst all these festivals?
Celebration of French culture through music, art, food, activities.
Acadian flag
blue, white, and red flag with a gold star.
Great Deportation
When the British forced the Acadians out.