Chapter 11 & 12
Chapter 13 & 14
Chapter 15 & 16
Frankenstein's Complex Characters
Literary Devices

This character narrates chapters 11-16 of Frankenstein. 

Who is the Monster?


Watching the De Lacey family for months on end leaves the monster feeling this strong emotion. 

What is lonely or isolated?


When the monster enters the cabin to speak to Mr. De Lacey, what is he shocked to find out about the old man?

What is that he is blind or can not see him?


This character saves a girl from drowning, but also chokes a young boy in the woods. 

He is motivated by loneliness and feeling rejected. 

Who is the monster?


In Chapter 15, the creature describes his feelings of rejection as being “like the arch-fiend” cast away from happiness. This metaphor powerfully conveys the creature’s sense of exclusion and fall from grace.

What is a simile?

The monster discovers this in the woods and realizes that if he feeds it, it will stay alive. 

What is a fire?


Felix studies this academic subject while in the cabin, which leads the monster to consider his own existence. 

What is philosophy?


After the monster is rejected by the De Lacey's cabin, he runs away and performs this heroic act.

What is save a girl from drowning?


This character loves the pursuit of learning and walking in nature; however, they are plagued with anxiety and guilt. 

Motivated by a deep desire to learn and push the limits of science. 

Who is Dr. Victor Frankenstein?


Shelley frequently uses vivid natural descriptions to mirror the emotional states of the characters. In Chapter 12, the creature observes the beauty of nature, describing the “trees that shaded my window,” and the gradual arrival of spring. These moments of beauty contrast with the creature’s inner turmoil, highlighting the disparity between nature’s harmony and the creature’s discord with the world.

What is imagery?


In chapter 11, the monster goes to a local village in search of food but the villagers all feel this shared emotion.  

What is horrified, scared, or terrified?


While watching the De Lacey family, the monster learns that they are from this country originally. 

Where is France?


The monster looks through the pockets of his old clothing, he finds this item which reveals how he was created. 

What is Dr. Frankenstein's journal?


This character is a trustworthy family friend, but she makes a false confession that leads everyone to believe she is a violent murderer. 

She is motivated by confusion and fear. 

Who is Justine Moritz?


In Chapter 11, the creature discovers fire, which is an object that stands for a deeper themes on knowledge and danger. Fire provides warmth and the means to cook food, but it also burns him, showing how knowledge can be both empowering and destructive.

What is symbolism?


In chapters 11 and 12, the monster uses this to spy on the people in the cabin. 

What is a hole in the wall?


While watching the De Lacey family, the monster learns that Felix fell in love with Safie in this location. 

Where is prison? 

Safie's father was thrown in jail because he was falsely accused of a crime. 


After the monster is rejected by the De Lacey's cabin, he runs away and performs this horrific act.

What is kill young William Frankenstein?


This character cares for his family and betrothed deeply; however, they immediately reject the monster when he invades their home. 

Motivated by philosophy, love and fear of creepy stalkers. 

Who is Felix?


Both the creature and Victor use exaggerated language to express the extremity of their emotions. The creature, for example, describes his pain as “insupportable misery,” and Victor often expresses the idea that his guilt and horror are beyond description. This dramatization emphasizes the intensity of their emotional experiences.

What is hyperbole?

In chapter 12 the monster watches three people in a cabin, what skill does he learn from them?

What is language, speaking, or reading?


In chapter 13, who arrives in a black veil to the cottage?

Who is Safie or Felix's betrothed?


In chapter 15, the monster reads this book and he really identifies with the plot. This allegorical poem is a story about a God who creates humans in the Garden of Eden, but then casts them out of his presence because he disapproves of them. 

What is Paradise Lost?


This character loves his best friend and would do anything for him; however, he is oblivious to the evil things that his friend is doing in his secret lab. 

Motivated by loyalty and a love of learning. 

Who is Dr. Henry Clerval?


The creature compares himself to Satan in Paradise Lost, which he reads and identifies with. This reference emphasizes themes of alienation and the fall from grace. Like Satan, the creature feels cast out and rejected by society and his creator.

What is allusion?
