Gothic Literature
Literary Elements
The Monster

The Monster’s first victim, beloved to the family.

William Frankenstein


The Monster is an example of what characteristic in Gothic Literature?

Supernatural beings


Name a biblical allusion used in Frankenstein?

(ex) The Monster is compared to both Satan and Adam


Why does The Monster kill William Frankenstein?

He hates his creator, Victor Frankenstein, and kills the boy because of their relationship


The monster struggled with this which lead him to murder. 


Victor’s servant was wrongly accused of what?

Murdering William


How does the setting of the laboratory fit the setting of Gothic Literature?

The setting of Gothic Literature is often dark and decaying. The night that the monster comes to life, the laboratory is described as dark, and gloomy (with rain pouring outside and flickering candles).  


What does light and fire symbolize in Frankenstein?

Light and fire represents the duality of progress. In addition to being a reference to Prometheus (who is in the title of the book), light and fire represent the gaining of knowledge, as well as the downsides of this knowledge/progress. For example, you can cook with fire, but you can also be burned. 


Why does the monster approach the family’s father first?

The father is blind, and is therefore not influenced by The Monster’s appearance.


Walton and Victor both seek too much of this. 



Similar to Walton, Victor suffers from what that drives him to create Frankenstein?

A god complex


How is Frankenstein a romantic hero?

Victor was a dreamer with a wish to conquer the world around him (and discover the meaning of life). However, this ambition leads to his downfall, making him a good example of a fallen romantic hero.


What effect does a change in setting have on the characters

Frankenstein is deeply affected by the sublime. His journey into nature brightens his mood, and he is depressed in the absence of nature.


What was the turning point that caused The Monster’s descent into violence?

When The Monster tries to save the girl from drowning but is beaten because he is assumed to be trying to kill the girl.


The role of nature in the characters' emotions fits into what literary era. 


This person died from scarlet fever

Caroline Beaufort


Name a characteristic of Gothic literature and explain how it related to the novel.

(ex) Terror is utilized throughout the novel. The use of vivid imagery to describe the horrifying monster develops feelings of terror in the reader.


Identify an overarching theme and explain how it is developed in the novel.

(ex) One overarching theme is the dangers behind the pursuit of knowledge. Victor’s pursuit of knowledge (the secret to life) creates a monster that haunts him for the rest of the novel. The Monster is literally a representation of the danger behind the pursuit of knowledge.


What message is Shelley trying to send in her portrayal of The Monster?

The Monster is initially kind, but resorts to violence because of the way that society treats him. Therefore, Shelley sends a message about anyone who is discriminated against based on appearance, saying that their dishonorable acts are likely caused by society.  


What emotion does Felix and Safie's story within Frankenstein show?



The Horatio to Victor's Hamlet

Henry Clerval


Gothic literature often contains a search for some magical mystery. How does that fit into Frankenstein, and how does this search impact the overall meaning?

Frankenstein searches for the secret of life, and is eventually able to gain that knowledge. This fits into the overall theme of the dangers behind the pursuit of knowledge, as the search for this "magical mystery" characteristic of Gothic Literature leads to Frankenstein's downfall. 


Identify and analyze the use of POV in Frankenstein.

The story is told by Robert Walton, who reports Frankenstein’s account of the story, who tells The Monster’s story. This intricacy lends to doubt. Should the reader believe everything Walton says considering the many people that the story is passed on through? Can the people telling the story be trusted to recount an accurate summary of what happened?


In what ways is The Monster an example of a romantic hero?

The monster possess extreme physical capabilities, as well as great mental capabilities that allowed him to ask questions such as “Whence did I come?” and “What was my destination?”. This inquisitive nature is characteristic of romantic heroes. 


The light symbolizes this.

