Get To Know Our Girl
Okay People It's Not Hard
So What Is Your Guys' Relationship?
You Should Be Embarrassed
This Isn't Funny It's Serious Stuff

What was the name of Francesca's stalker lad in her high school dayz?



Where did our selfless lady take Gio on her 21st big celebratory day?? *GIOVANNA YOU CANNOT ANSWER THIS QUESTION

Atlantic City baby!!!!!!!!!!


Frannie's teenage CRUSH a HUNK was???

Taylor Tay Tay Hanson 


What was the event that Francesca led with awestruck honor and pride in college all well deserved...

BONUS: Francesca was put in "  " because she couldn't answer a trivia fact for the event ooooooohhhhh

Relay For Life



 What is the one food that Francesca would always entrust to our dear grandma-ma???

Lasagna mmmmmm no one makes lasagna like Grandma!!!


Fran was wrapped up in this show for a long time, what was it??

Hint: Moody's Point

Dawson's Creek

Ask her which hunk star she had it out more for: Dawson or Pacey??


What Christmas gift did Francesca receive that inspired her love for her career?

Little chalkboard and teaching toys, she knew what she wanted from the start!!

Fran used to work here as a summer waitress before it closed its door due to fraud or fire or not paying bills, I'm not sure.

Fish store next to bottles n' cases!!!

Extra points if you know the name of the restaurant hehehe


Who were the first boys allowed in Francesca's bedroom??? OMGGGGG!!!

The Hanson bros hahaha

Francesca had a life-size poster of them for her own giggles


Why did Francesca have multiple fridges in the house she rented during college?!?! Special Multiple Choice Question!

A)They were all for beer

B)Every roommate their own fridge with them to the house

C)Everyone came home with leftovers after the holidays

D)Trick question there was only 1 fridge

A) They were ALL for beer!!!!!!



What hairstyle did Francesca think was cool for prom???

Cornrows umm yeahhh


What did Francesca get stolen in a foreign country oohhh laaa ohh nooo!!!

Her purse!!!! Hang on to them valuables ladies


Who did Frannie work with at her summer camp job, someone who's pretty close to madre and padre even though she's no longer on the block! 

Mrs. Bacchi (or Mrs. Radovich for reference)


What did Francesca try for the very first time when her hubbie asked her to, despite encouragement from her family??

Oysters, way to go Frannie!!!


Who is her favorite Disney princess???

Anyone curious?? I know I am, let's ask her!


What have mom and Francesca shared to take part in for organization of their families?

Looking to the calendars!!!!!! Ohh geez


Francesca is famoussss for coming up with these when we go on family vacas?



What did Francesca part-take in anticipation for wedding to the love of her life? 

Hint: She wanted to look goooooooooooooooood

Bridal Boot Camp BBC bitchesssssss

This person mooned Francesca as she was trying to take a PG home video, right next to her grandmother?

Uncle Lee Bob hahahahahha


 Where did Francesca spend her bachelorette weekend??

Ocean City Maryland she got hellla drunk 


Francesca had a date at the house.....does anyone remember who it was with and what they did??

A guy with MANY tattoos and they went swimming in the pool ohhh baby


Francesca has recently got into a very specific type of workout group that involves an animal!!! What is it?

GOAT Yoga, how what who WHY??!!!!!

What instrument did Frannie practice under Mr. Walter in middle and high school??

BONUS: They went on a trip as well, where too?

Viola *not violin as many people think (that was Fabrizia)

BONUS: Canada with the Canadians ehh!


Francesca began raising a lot of money for what charity in her young adulthood and on-wards, what was the name? 

Leukemia Society 

Her participation in triathlons and the things she put together has been incredibly admirable!


How did Francesca know she was preggos the first time???

She and Nick were vacationing and she got struck my a wave, she got hurt and upset and realized she was acting like a baby because....................she was HAVING a baby!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH her reveal story was gold!!!
