How do you ask to go to your locker in Spanish?
¿Puedo ir a mi armario, por favor?
What does the teacher say when you are to work alone?
Trabajen solos / solas.
How do you ask someone to repeat what they said?
Repite, por favor.
Pay attention
Presten atención
How do you ask to go to the nurse in Spanish?
¿Puedo ir a la enfermera, por favor?
What does the teacher say when you are not supposed to be talking?
How do you say you don´t understand?
No entiendo. No comprendo.
Are there any questions?
¿Hay preguntas?
How do you ask to use the restroom in Spanish?
¿Puedo ir al baño, por favor?
What does ¿Qué significa _________? mean?
What does ______ mean?
How do you ask if there is homework?
¿Hay tarea?
Open your chromebooks!
Abran los chromebooks.
How do you say you have a question?
Tengo una pregunta...
What does the teacher say when you are to work with a partner.
Trabajen en pareja.
How do you ask someone if he/she understands?
¿Entiendes? ¿Comprendes?
Raise your hand.
Levanten la mano
How do you say ______ in Spanish?
¿Cómo se dice _____ en españól?
What does the teacher say when you are to work in groups?
Trabajen en grupos.
What two words are always used to ask permission to do something?
¿Puedo.... por favor?
I don´t know...
No lo sé...