Chapter 5/6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10/Liespotting
The three common elements of fraud.
What are theft act, concealment, and conversion?
Circumstances that, taken as a whole, would lead a reasonable, prudent professional to believe that a fraud has occurred, is occurring, or will occur.
What is predication?
When faced with a choice between an eyewitness and a document as evidence, most fraud experts would choose this.
What is the document?
These are performed for two reasons: to determine the extent of embezzlement and to gather evidence that can be used in interrogations to obtain a confession.
What are conversion searches?
A question and answer session designed to elicit information. It is structured and designed for a specific purpose.
What is an interview?
___________ result from unusual processes or procedures in the accounting system.
What are accounting anomalies?
A tool that coordinates the assets that were taken, individuals who had theft opportunities, investigation methods, concealment and conversion possibilities, symptoms observed, pressures, rationalizations, and key controls that had to be compromised.
What is a vulnerability chart?
Many frauds have been allowed to be perpetrated and to go undetected because auditors and others were satisfied with ____________ documents. (Example: ZZZZ Best)
What are photocopied?
These people are usually some of the best and most helpful federal fraud investigators.
What are Postal inspectors?
Fraud, like death or serious injury, is a crisis. People who are involved in a crisis generally experience a predictable sequence of reactions to the crisis. This sequence consists of denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and _____________.
What is acceptance?
Fraud symptoms or indicators are often referred to as.....
What are red flags?
A theft act investigative technique that involves close supervision of suspects during an examination period.
What is inviligation?
Using ____________________ allows an auditor to generalize and make inferences from the sample to the population.
What is discovery sampling?
A calculation based on a person's assets, liabilities, income, and living expenses.
What is the net worth method?
The _____________ of the suspect is usually the final stage of a fraud investigation.
What is interrogation?
States that in naturally occurring numbers such as invoice totals and product costs, the digit 1 tends to occur with probability of approx. 30%, much greater than the expected 11.1% (i.e., one digit out of 9).
What is Benford's Law?
Stationary or fixed point, moving or tailing, and electronic are all forms of this.
What is surveillance?
Documentary evidence such as private tax returns can usually be obtained only by voluntary consent, search warrant, or __________.
What is subpoena?
This federal agency deals with counterfeiting, theft of government checks, interstate credit card violations, and some computer crimes.
What is the Secret Service?
One of the 7 primary emotions that appears as an asymmetrical facial expression in its truthful form.
What is contempt?
____________________ calculates the percentage change in balance sheet and income statement numbers from one period to the next.
What is horizontal analysis?
These groups should be consulted before any form of surveillance takes place?
Who are legal counsel and human resources?
This is the least reliable method of obtaining documentary evidence.
What is by chance, accident, or tip?
The _____________ Act allows banks to sell customer information, financial institutions to share information, and customers to "opt out" and ask that their information not be shared.
What is the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act?
This is the most enduring myth about deception (according to Pamela Meyer).
What is not making eye contact when lying?