Red Flags
How can you clear a social security alert?
Obtain a copy of a social security card For known in-branch SEG members, notate how well you know the member and can clear as known member or obtain copy of recent SEG paystub
What are the acceptable methods to clear an address mismatch?
Accurint/CLEAR (skip trace), recent credit card bill, copy of ID or DL with updated address, copy of utility bill For in-branch A SEG members, you can clear with copy of recent paystub or personally known member.
A member applies at BCU. They provided all documents to clear CIP. If they apply for another membership in the future, CIP needs to be cleared again - True or False
False – but only if CIP procedures were performed correctly on the existing account.
What does the green "Accept" mean near the Precise ID report?
The applicant has passed CIP
Which department owns the red flag process and can assist you with red flag related questions? Which department owns the CIP procedures and can assist with CIP related questions?
Fraud and Account Services
How can you clear an initial and extended ID theft alert?
To clear an initial fraud alert (90 days), call the phone number on the application to confirm the alert or use multi-factor authentication by obtaining a copy of the applicants social security card and drivers license. To clear an extended fraud alert (7 years) by calling the phone number on the alert to confirm the application. If there is no phone number, please refer to the Fraud department.
How do you clear the following ID theft alert? Alert Warning: [HAWK] Address is a restaurant.
White pages or Google search to prove the member/applicants address is residential. Examples include restaurant, store front, night club, etc.
Who at BCU can clear and approve CIP exceptions?
Service Center Regional Managers, Service Center Operations Managers, Account Services Manager
What is the process to clear an OFAC exception?
Clear applicant's name on, upload proof to NMA in the letters/docs screen
The qualifications/comments screen will tell you if the applicant passed CIP - True or False
False. The qualifications and comments screen will display red flags/cbr alerts. CIP information is found on the Precise ID report